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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Friday 2 November 2012

.. Jaejoong -> Twitter HeartBroken OR Hacked..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo n Hello~
it the owner - shii again
today, the post it really heart breaking to me
I was really really tired of my last paper today of the final exam.
Yeah, my final exam have bee wrapped nicely so yay for me *not in the mood to cheer*
Just wish me luck, Guys~

So, what I'm so sick right now is that our beloved Jaejoong
WHY? Is the something wrong wit him?

Of course he is!
He's heart--broken now. can you all read -> H.E.A.R.T. B.R.O.K.E.N.
I think it not serious since the first time I read it not serious at all.
But right now, this matter is D*mn serious ~ to all Cassiopeia in the world.

Check This Out~

~Just don't mind the top things~ 

Because of so much curious from this heart of mine,
I started to search more about and gather all the information~


All I can say that~ He's Being Hacked by someone.
Well, being a famous singer, composer, director and well words to describe PERFECT
Yes, have anti is just common since we all know what the anti 'SASSAENG'

Gah, I really hate those anti!
But, this curious heart of mine didn't stop there when I was thinking another fandom is sabotage our Jaejoongie life sine he didn't give  D*MN thing about those antis'~

I should say to those who be like this is ' WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO YOUR LIFE'
Okay.. that all I got to say....




When Cassie keep talking about what happen to Jaejoong,
my first reaction was 'is he broke again which we know that he will end up drinking if he struggling with himself all alone'
which that he's being hacked that I don't know yet~

The first post I read in WBC (World BigEast Cassiopeia) is just the same what my heart want to say:

[CREDITS to: Joanna Bayani]

I'm sorry, this is just what I am feeling right now. I have no intention to offend or what but I have no one to talk too.. and you are my family so I'm sharing my uncensored thoughts with you.
#start rant
Jaejoong, what happened to you.
I'm very sick right now and I need sleep but because you are having a r=hard time right now..
even though it's past midnight here in my country.. I cannot sleep...
ahh.. *sobs* I'm really crying right now...
I'm so scared... so scared.. of what may happen.
about you... us... ah! I'm going crazy!

Why did you change your name into "..."
Why did you delete your tt description...

did something happen again?
did they say something bad about you?
did you have problems with sesaeng fans again... or with stans? or with crazy-we-only-support-5-members fans?

ah! there so many things that are running in my head...
and I'm scared.. I'm soooo scared.
scared of what will happen after this...
scared of the new name of JJ after this "..." name
scared of what will JJ put as his new description..
scared of him deleting his tt account
scared of him shutting himself from the others...

I know that being the oldest.. he needs to be strong..
for us, his members and even for himself..
seeing him like this being broken down.. again..

argh. are you drinking again... T.T
even though I love you so much...
I want to go to your place right now and spank you to wake you up.
you're worrying us.. so much..
also.. I want to know what's bothering you...
you should not keep this to yourself..
we are here..
you can rely on us..
this is the very reason of our existence
also, you have your members..
argh Jae, you better talk to someone right now...
I don't want you keeping these problems to yourself...
#end rant

And when the things started to become more hacking thing~

[CREDITS to: Nami Kuro Ryuku]

I think.... just image...
Jaejoong's twitter name: Elephant love Bear
New bio: I'm DBSK's member!
XD Keep the faith, my beloved Cassiopeia!


The conclusion is Jaejoong being hacked 
so, let the hacker do it~
Jae said he want to delete his twitter
and  I was like ' you delete yours, I delete mine since I do it to know and update about you'

Ok, guys~
That all, and my TVXQ - CATCH ME (SPECIAL EDITION) + Tohoshinki (TRICK Project album) + Tohoshinki (SUPERSTAR -CD+DVD-) + TVXQ (I AM. postcard)

Will arrived in two weeks. 
I will update all about it^^
Should I make a video about them. Nah~
I ;m not good at it.
So stay tuned,guys~

Bye2 *hugs you all n give a cookies*

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