!!it's me!!

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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Thursday 8 November 2012

..precious time..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello~
yay! it's the owner-shii again *wink*
For our dating today
the owner-shii want to share her precious time and sweet moments with her beloved and best friends^^

It a week before school end and owner - shii grabbed this opportunity to enjoy her time with her best friends.
Among this week, watching horror movie and scream really our favourite past time.
Horror movie *shiver*
But that the best time when even other classmate join us watching it.
You could say the whole class join in and plus other classes.

Let's introduce my precious friends :

Ira ^_^
me and Farahim

Cik Mai and Nora


Ira is well known for her intelligence among 6 of us which she's not with us anymore to persuade her study in boarding school. Congratulation ,my friend you deserve it~

Mai is smart and famous for her friendly attitude that sometime cause misunderstanding among those people who judge her by appearance not inside her. she 's the one who always give me advise about life when I'm facing difficulties and yeah, it helped me a lot. Thanks Mai, you're the best and Mai also famous for her nickname Cik Mai since she's the daughter of Encik Ariffuddin aka Encik Arip.. when she had this title among my friends ' Cik Arip kain belah' when she's in form 2 , so the Cik stick to her until now.
All my friends called her Cik Mai *nice*

Farahim is my first friend I know when I was 13 years old which the time ii enter the high school.I knew her because of KPOP (TVXQ) and yeah we continued talking and that the time I know about this kpop things.
But, the best time I never forget when she helped me in my study same as Ira but I sit next to her that time so she's the one who helped me a lot. She teach me this history thing and yeah I got 'A' in my PMR , thanks to her. I always got 'D' in every exam.
She's someone that can catch up thing fast and the smart. She also can remember thing easily.
Thanks Farahim and don't think too much okay, my friend. Just take the things happen in your life easily.
Try to think and avoid yourself for falling into it deeply.

Nora, she's someone who very gentle, smart, caring and well behave person. well, it called an honest girl and very quiet person. Nora is someone who I always look for since she's gentle and well behave. Want ot be like her. auuw (>_<)
Yeah, she helped me a lot in my mathematics and the subject goes on.
But the funniest thing is she's a scary person when 2 of us me and mai don't listen what she want.
She only can get angry with me and mai since mai and I like to fool around. but Nora never ever will against farahim since she's the king of scary XD.

Lastly, Miza. She's smart and like to read novels so so much. Then she will imagine this novels character by herself like the ff I read. (^_^)When we're story telling each other.. mostly she ended up quiet cause she can express her feeling to us so yeah we talked rubbish after that. That what we do the best.

Yeah, misunderstanding between us never will fade away from my memories. This misunderstanding cause all 5 of us shut up and yeah mostly we try to find an excuse or excuses to make the surrounding not to intense.
Then, all of us decided to talked what our problem are and yeah we reached our final.
And yeah the discussion lead us to reach our goal that what matter happen , let's trust  each other and try to talk when we have problem.
So, the 5 of us didn't have this 'SELFISH' and ' SPOILED' attitude in ours.

About me~ I can't say anything since different person.. different view~
All about my friends, I learned to know them a little by little after so much time we always been together.

Yeah, all 6 of us have weakness and we try to fixed it but sometimes it looked bad in those people eyes.
What do we care because what we aiming for is to reach our goal in SPM -> '9A' and be ourselves.

And readers, do you know what, we're going through this with HIS guide.
We still have Allah to be with us and with that we believe that He's the only one who know what our heart are. So, we didn't mind what those people want to say to us.

So, from here, from 13 years old me and now, 16.. I have known people so well that sometimes I'm afraid to make new friends. Afraid what they will say to me or to 5 of us.
But, it's okay now. The 5 of us have talked we decided we want to reach our goal and just keep our ears shut.

Ira,Mai, Farahim, Nora and Miza~
Thank you for your present in my life and to tell you guys,
I never regret meeting you because that was the best time I have share with all of you.
I love you all.
Let's always be together even we're far away.
Let's go through this with strength and with HIS guide, we can reached our goals.

To our parents, thank you for letting us to go to school and care about us.
We make promise to always make you smile and do our very very best to achieve our success.
We owe you our life and with that, we thank you for giving this life to us.
We sure will make you smile of our achievement.

I want to thanks to all teaches who teach us because never give up give your all in helping us until now.
I didn't know how to pay you because all we can do to make you smile is our achievement.
Please continue to give us your best and just mad at us for our bad attitude because from that we learned our mistakes.

Thank you.

p/s : auww.. one of my teachers read my blog. she mad at me cause i don't use rules in writing this feeling of mine.

Owner -shii     : sorry teacher, I will do my best to correct my grammar.
MinFood        : better correct your cooking.. you chocked me to death with your so call sandwiches~
Owner- shii     : yah!!  it's not my fault that you eat without looking what you stuffed into your big mouth. Crazy food monster ~
CuteDolphin    : Chunie, he ate my supper sandwiches that I made for you.. meannie~ *with his cute pout*
WideForhead  : Thanks Min, without you I will ended up in hospital.. you know my baby can't cook.
MinFood         : (O.O).... hyung, how could you~ *whine*
YunnieBear      : my BooJae can cook, jealous ? *smiled michieviously*
BooJae            : auww.. Yunnie.. *blushing*

Owner -shii     : enough 5 of you, I talked about my friends here~
YunnieBear     : your friends sound like us.. 5 different people meet and going through difficulties together. it called fate.
BooJae           : I will never forget the time we share together.
WideForhead  : we're family so do you, Wani. Stay strong.
CuteDolphin   : yeah.. just believe that you can do it. It will help you like what we are now.
MinFood        : just be yourself and never give up.. if you're giving up without trying.. what the use of your goals?
BooJae          : Minnie's right, Wani. Do your best. Don't give up until you reached it, okay.
YunnieBear    : Try your best and in the same time helped your friends because, they the one you will be           searching if you need help other than your family.
BooJae          : and try to understand your friends well okay, Wani~
Owner - shii   : I will. I love you, Changmin, Yoochun , Junsu, Jaejoong and Yunho. Maybe I'm too obsess with 5 of you( ok, I admit this is call obsession) but that make me felt a little bit lighter with all the problem I faced.. your laugh never failed to make me smiled and thank you for making me understand those korean word. Still learning them but so far it's not difficult at all. and MinFood, I thought your brain only think about food XDD

OT5             : You're welcome.
Min Food      : yah~  what're you label me for?
Owner -shii   : food monster~
MinFood      : I got brain to, idiot~
Owner -shii  : no dinner for you. that FINAL!
MinFood     : oh my baby.. don't go away..my baby food...

Owner -shii got hit by bricked cause have super high level of imagination ~
Bye - Bye *wave hands*

..I love this..

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