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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Friday 26 October 2012

.. Crazy YunJae Love ..

Hello guys,
It the owner- shii again *bows*

I will make it short
My last post is about how 'WE' crazy fan-ing our sweet YunJae, right ?
And to tell you guys~
My 7 years old cousin here with me today because she want to watch horror movie!!!
Get it --> Horror Movie --> 7 years old!!!
I was like... 'even me hate those kind of thing'
But to tell you guys She's smart kid.
I really like her cause she never create problem *a little perhaps but most of time she didn't*  and understand older people well~
Like our Minnie, right^^
That why she's my favourite cousin.

So, the story began when She was like :

My cute cousin: Kak Wani (mean like refer to older sister) Can we watch horror movie?
Me: what~ Horror *in my mind - is this kid for real - *
My cute cousin : yes- yes~ Aisya like horror movie the best. *with her cute face*
Me: okay, let Kak Wani open Kak Wani lappy.
My cute Cousin : okay~

Then, I opened my lappy and my lappy picture is YunJae *mention in my last post*
SO here, the picture u'oollllls~

Out of the blue , my cute cousin scream happily.
I was like :

Me: Are you okay, Cutie?
My Cute Cousin: he's really handsome.
Me: who?
My Cute Cousin: Him *she stare at Yunho Lovingly*

And my expression was like this (O_O)
And yeah, I love YunJae but I didn't expose more information about our YunJae since she's still a kid
and I don't want her to know that I ship this kind of relationship~
She still innocent~
If tell her about this, she probably asking around what Gay is!!!
And you know who at fault!!!!

Then, my YunJae-ness didn't stop there when I ask my cutie over here

Me: Yeah, he's really handsome... but What do you think of this one *refer to Jae*
My cute cousin : He's cute... is there a GUY like him in this world?

I was like :
- she can notice Jae is a Guy even me mistake Jae as a girl during the first time I saw him on Survivor MV since he really caught my intention and that was the first time I fall for our DBSK but again reality hit me when my mind spoke ' this a boy group, idiot!! what girl doing here'

She continued

My cute cousin : Aisya refer Him more 'point at Yun*

And seriously my 7 years old didn't blind choosing HOT guys.
She really like hot guys!!!
She only 7 years old for God sake~
Her eyes are brilliant *thumbs up*

So that was the story,
I just want to share since it YunJae we're talking over here.

P/S : Owner-shii got like 30 minutes lecturing from his cutie cousin because owner-shii didn't have horror movie in her lappy! not even one!!!

Yah~ Horror scared me to death~ major heart-attack.
Owner not a fan of horror movie, told you my cutie cousin since a long time ago.
But ended up myself watching one and yeah~ it shiver down my spines.

You will end up embarrassing yourself. *screaming full of heart since it not even that horror*

That all, Cass~
Bye *give cookies to you*

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