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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Tuesday 25 December 2012

!!Xia Junsu Special Gift for Xmas!!

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello~
Hey you all, so any plan for Xmas??
I bet you all do~
So, let's go to our main topic, shall we??

Don't you want to pinch those cheek >///<

Okay, for this post before the Big post tomorrow~
This post overwhelmed my heart.


Because it's Junsu, we're talking over here~ xP
Okay, so the special gift that Junsu gave us is --->
He released a new digital single for this Xmas tittle ' Thank U For '

So, I was like ' let's here Junjun new song'
Opening my youtube as always and click the mp3 as always~
Then, my heart just stop (not dying,okay~~)

My heart just,

'who made this song????'
'suie, are you the one??'
'your voice really clam,suie.. love you'

Then, yeah became all obsess I started my so-spy-agent-roger-
Yup~ Finally I found who make this song and composed it.

To tell you, you all know  right, Junho,Kim Junho, Junsu brother aka twin but their face not the same.
Yeah, Junho wrote this song then this Japanese guy name Shikata-san  composed it~ xD
Yeah, Junho really really talented same goes to Junsu~

So, without wasting more time~
Here's the Xmas song to all Cassiopeia and JYJ fans all over the world.

Today snow is shining all over the world
Everyday, excited and waiting for the first snow
Heaven has given me the most precious gift
More precious than my white star
Waking up early in the morning to the sound of the bell ringing
I’ve been waiting anxiously to meet you
Finding a way to go to meet you
Loving the memories of us
White snow is piled up without sound
Pacing the streets more footsteps pound
I would flutter more
That day I had been dreaming everyday OH
Oh so I came
You and me holding hands, walking down the street
Memories spent with staring and laughing
You always cuddle up to me
Could not say
Today my heart wants to say I love you
Snuggling under the street lamp that illuminates
Your reflection in the transparent-like glass crystal
Little hands in your pocket
Your cheeks stained red
Flow as a city full of white
Is singing
Sounds over the hearts of the people come and go
I would smile at night
Nice and anywhere with me OH
Oh you to hug me
You and me holding hands, walking down the street
Memories spent with staring and laughing
Your innocent smile like a child
Oh I’ll protect you forever
We walked down the street, holding hands,
facing each other again
We created the memories one by one with you
Even if there are times when you get tired sometimes frightened
Do not forget
I’ll be here for you always like today
Forever by your side
This song for you

I know you all waiting for the download link,right?^^
So, being generous as always to my loyal reader- chan *wink*
Here's the download link for :

(XIA) Junsu - Thank U For MP3

Okay, I think this all I want to say~
Okay, guys, see you all tomorrow.
BIG DAY! really really A BIG DAY FOR DB5K & CASSIOPEIA all over the world.


p/s : Yunho is crying (O.o)

BooJae : Yunnie, you have me, chunnie n suie here~ *pat his hubby back*
YunnieBear : but.. why??? why??? *crying*
WideForeHead : chill out,dude! Changmin just be a MC, that all! nit leaving you,idiot!
CuteDolphin : yeah,Hyung, stop being crybaby ,please~ I want some sleep~
WideForeHead : see you make my baby whine!
BooJae : *stare at yoochun dangerously*
WideForeHead : aha...hhahaahaaha..haha~ e..ehh.. well, chill out Yun~
Owner- shii : hey guys, MIn being a MC with Hodong? nice, right *giggle*
YunnieBear : boo... min,...changmin??? *sobs*..*sobs*
Owner- shii : what with yunho anyway??
CuteDolphin : because Changmin be a MC, he said that he's alone >< geez, all I see, even minnie here, he still clingy on Jae Hyung~

WideForeHead : *sigh*..
MinFood : hey you all *smile widely*
YunnieBear : changmin *go and hug changmin*
MinFood : plese hyung, no skin ship please! I Hate Men!
WideForeHead : ahahaahahahaha~
Owner- shii : yo, he miss you~
BooJae : so much miss you,changmin~
MinFood : chill out hyung, I still be back at dorm? dahhh~
BooJae : see Yunnie, don't cry,hmm~
YunnieBear : if Boo say so, okay, I won't cry~

WideForeHead, CuteDolphin,Owner-shii, MinFood : O.O

Hihihii, spoiled Yunnie ;))

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