!!it's me!!

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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Thursday 27 December 2012

..Now I Know, How You Feel..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello minna~
Ok, cutting all the greeting down~
I want to share you a story,
A story about me, my besty and TVXQ.

Before that, bonus picture for today~
I have lots of YunJae evidence for all of you,
I will rush all the evidence before school start this January,okay :)

Ok, let's start my story.

I don't know when I know my twins but I know her.

It all started on 2010, I guess or 2009, I can't remember anything, sorry T.T
I became a member at AsianPopcorn.com (a kpop/jpop/tpop website)
I post everything there, news, picture and video is a full time posting.
Someday, I came across a Malaysia Cassiopeia and it a girl.
Her name in APC is nadz89.
I always chat with her, giggling together, laugh and one reason is because it TVXQ.
We are OT5 Cassiopeia and we support 2 and 3 of them because that who we are.

Then, until I made my account on Facebook, she add me again.
Then, we leave our APC world and enter FB world.
From that day, I guess..
I have known her for almost 2 or 3 years in my life.
That the power of TVXQ communicate me with people around me and this friendship is the best I have.

It started like.... both of us always buzz each other on our facebook private message.
We talked about TVXQ, ourselves and our family...
If one of us have a bad day, we tell each other and we get over it when we start spazzing TVXQ again.
Until now, I was a 16 years old girl and turning 17, she's the best person I have ever met.
I want you to know her as my 'besty' here, okay^^

My Besty, she really awesome person.
I felt like myself when I'm with her.
I can let out everything and tell her how my day goes.
Until, she told me :

'Wani, when do you want to visit me,here?'

I forgot to tell you, I'm from Terengganu and my besty is from Klang, Selangor.
To go to Kuala Lumpur, It takes 8 hours journey by bus and to go to Klang, I have to take another bus to go there.
She told me that, I just have to be at Kuala Lumpur bus station and she will pick me up.
That our plan , nice~ right (^_^)
But, the problem now that occur between us are non of us are free.
She had a job already and me, still in high school.
So, the date we set always clash with our activities.

But, the problem didn't broke our friendship when we start sharing what we had.
All the time TVXQ.
We spazz each other about our TVXQ and giggle with chibi tvxq gag. 
We always do that non-stop when it come to chibi tvxq gag.
We just can't stop.

Everything we do, we always do it together.
Like, we share our favourite YunJae story (we're YJS).
we will share what we saw about TVXQ on the facebook like what they wear.
Then we crazy ourselves searching for the items xD
We're not buying but just look at the price, we just laugh together.
And we always together when purchasing some TVXQ stuff.
We're like:

Besty : she sold this really high. aren't any store sell this?
Me : wait, I will look for it.
Besty : come one Wani, hrry up agent, roger~
Me: roger, besty! *Cuople of minutes pass* FOUND IT!
Besty : it cheap~ have to check safety back-up money first.

After a couple of weeks, or months.. she will tell me that It worth to buy.
Then, we start asking and bidding for the price.
Yeah, we always the same.

Being Jaejoong biased, both of us are really awesome.
We will spazz how beautiful Jaejoong is. 
How perfect he is.
Most is how beautiful Jaejoong is XD
* sorry jaejae you're just too beautiful*

She really good in this internet, pc,website thing.
I always asked her how to use this software..and this and that~
She will teach me.

Being a YunJae shipper, we make our own fanfics to be share to all YunJae readers.
She in-incharge on the plot and I was in-charge on writing the story.
She got really awesome ideas and she told me that my writing skill improved a lot.
That when we decided to make our own YunJae site.

and all the time spazzing is YunJae. *always =)*

Today, she asked me again when do I free?

I felt really bad since it been a long time friendship and non of us got the chance to meet each other up.
I really hope during the school holiday, If I can have 2 or 3 days off, I will go to her.
She even told me that to stay with her *so shy to stay with stranger*
She even said that don't act so shy since she knew who I am. >///<

I forgot to tell you, 
Because she trust me as a friend so much, she bought me JYJ - 3voice II and JYJ - Memories of 2010
Because I can't find here at my place.
I got at my place it just when I go there, it not in stock -_-||
She gift me as a gift of friendship. When I received the parcel after I back home from school, I cried so hard that she believe me like that. How amazing and wonderful person she is.
We just met on the internet but she treat me like we have being friend for ages.
I still remember how I hug her gifts in my embrance and cry thinking how wonderful friendship are.
She just someone who you can rely on, really. I don't lie to you.

I don't know how to please her,then I buy this JYJ StarCard collection. 
Not the whole box but only the packet.
I give her that since that was my precious treasure in my life.
And when she received it, I know that time, I already make my collection to someone who worth them all.
You all can just scroll down there on the sidebar and found her gift.

To tell you, the lesson I learned is:

It really valuable to have a friendship.
Do not ever broke your friendship for one small nano problem.
You don't know how worth you are when a person trust you.
You don't know how amazing you are if a person rely on you.
Don't ever break any of your friends heart because of your selfish attitude.

I don't know why but ~~~~~~~~
I think now I know how TVXQ friendship look like.

Because 5 of them are from a different background but they met under one fate.

It just same like me. I don't my besty and she didn't know me too.

They live together, get to know each other, they know what their member are like.

same as me. I don't know who my besty is after I friend with her.
Even she's busy at work, she still buzz me on facebook.

And that how I feel after my friendship with my besty.

Now I know how TVXQ feel, to be together, do the stuff you like together, cry together, laugh together, sharing everything together, be a good listener , and be someone who you can rely on.

That was the most beautiful in a friendship for me.

I cry writing this post again.
I don't want to lose her and I really want to meet her.
I know this year, this new year~
I will go and meet her.
And all day we will talked about TVXQ, our forever love.

I know who didn't understand my post will say that I'm too emotional.
But to tell you, if you all had experience something like this before,
You will know how I feel.
I really want to meet her and to thanked her so much for the wonderful years.

Nadzirah Jais, eventhough we are different but I know we always felt the same.
Thank you so much for being my lovely bestfriend.
I'm really the luckiest person to meet you and I know your friends too.

So, this all my post for today.
Thank you so much for reading.
Will see you all soon with my HOT YUNJAE EVIDENCE!!!


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