!!it's me!!

My photo
'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Monday 31 December 2012

!!YJ- JJ Give Out YunJaeEvidence Again!!Part4

Hey you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before starting off our so called YunJaeEvidence~
Assalamualaikum, Ayeonghasaeyo and Hello my friends ;)

So, I told you all right, that I'm gonna rush YJ evidence before school start this January 2013.
But to tell all of you~
I will keep posting the YJ evidence but MARK -> not all the time..
Which I mean that, I updating this blog randomly.. do you all get what I mean??

okay, to make it short, the YJ evidence will be updated but the time is random^^
So, I hope you all give me time to collect all the YJ evidence *wink*

Enough with the information~

~ Let's Fly to YunJae Lalaland ~

!Bonus Picture!

I fall in love when I saw this photo.
Thumbs up to the owner >O<
So well Done!

Okay,the YunJae evidence part 4 is about Jaejoong- New- Released-Song!!!!
So, the song that I had tell you was in my past 3-5 post, I think about Jaejoong own composed song..

Let me give you the tittle of the song, which I'm not sure the song actually.


This three song , that I know are the song played in Jackal, Jaejoong second movie.
So, for the new Jaejoong relesed album is gonna be a -ROCK version concept-
You all must seen it right, the video that CJESJYJ upload on the Youtube.

One thing I'm gonna say here maybe two things are:

1) I'm really looking forward to this album of Jaejoong since it his own composed and also his first Solo Album as JYJ~ *already saving my money*

2) after watching and listening to Jaejoong video that I mention earlier, the high notes is too high for Jaejae and yeah..... remember his song 'Maze'~ 
I think it higher note than Maze song but over all, let's keep updating, shall we for our JaeJae ^^

Okay, so back to the songs again.

The first song : STAY

I can't give you the more lyrics since Zeinab and yj5294 want their privacy, okay~

[Credit : Zeinab Says @yj5294]

I’m here to stay I wait for you as I was that time
I’m here to stay I wait for you as I was
I’m only you Although I know that you’re not coming back
I feel more pain for I try to forget about you

Comments : 

The message of the song if you’re finding it hard to understand :

” it’s about a person whose lover wanted to stop their relationship and told him to move on , but this person is telling his lover that he will not move on , he will forever be holding on to this love ,waiting for his lover just like he always had , just like the sunflower always staring at the sun and never changes , he will always love his lover and won’t change .The song has a strong challenging tone, he’s telling his lover that his attempts to push him away are pointless and futile ” . 

I think i tend to be more realistic and i know many YJS won’t like what i have to say , but it’s pretty obvious that Yunho is in his “still ouch , hurt ” process and is giving Jaejoong a hard time ,that’s why almost all of his songs are about the same concept .I think this song is pretty much similar to No Gain .. Jaejoong wrote this song probably in one of these months (May-Jun-July) where he shot the movie so hopefully by now Yunho is not that stubborn anymore although Jaejoong’s “Love and forgiveness” tweet confirms what i say .. Believe what you want to believe. 

On a side note , Jaejoong said the song he composed at the beginning to have the 90’s feeling to it but the music director of the film changed the whole composition to give it the modern feel.I’d have liked the 90’s version better to be honest , that auto-tone covered Jae’s beautiful vocals .

So, you all.... right, and I'm too prefer the 90's version since it would be more meaningful to hear and the feeling just absorb to your heart magically.

The 2nd song : Kiss Be

[Credit to : Zeinab Says @ yj5294]

You're my everything, So hot So cool (Yeah~) So sweet Makin' me 
So hot So cool So sweet yeah, yeah yeah yeah 
You do what I ask you to do. Do what I command to you Look, it fits well 
Don't love me only You will be disappointed, Babe

The lyrics above, I'm quite confuse at the beginning .... is it :

- You're my everything
- You're my ever love

I kinda confused but yeah, when the full lyrics came out.. just stick just to that one,okay^^

Comment :

For your information, I'M NOT DELUSIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can you wrote something like this:

You're so Hot, So Cool, So Sweet .. In makin' me love

This is definitely, Jaejoong describing A GUY not a woman!!
It so obvious that this song is for Yunho~

Watch AADBSK2 , the couple talk YunJae Couple~

Part 1 & Part 2 

'Jaejoong : I know everything about Yunho until his body.'

Still not believing YunJae is so REAL~

3rd song : Inside Me/ Consolation only for me

"seems that my heart that collapsed on stopped , crying ,crying ,crying again.
My love , my love who left me alone ,my love my love in my memory and thought,
you've already become a part of me. "

Listen closely at 0:35

This is my favourite song of all the song, the song that I hear all the time before it released xD
You don't know how much I cry hearing his voice.
His voice  and feeling tells that he's really love this 'person' but this 'person' leave him alone.
Looking at the lyrics translation ' only God know how Jaejae's heart right now'

He's really suffering ...ALONE.

I do't know how to tell you guys but THE-MOST-AWESOME-YUNJAE-EVIDENCE
is in the 'Nine' song.

Did I give you too much information??
Or I just being crazy as always??

Yeah, over all~
I can't wait for Jaejae new album ><

Ok, everyone..bye~

p/s : my TVXQ - HUG & TRI-ANGLE cd had arrived ><,  and most of all TVXQ - Photobook in LA came safely to my house~ I will update the picture,okay^^ bye~~~

- Soulmate at the MBC Drama Award yesterday - 
- Yunnie & Minnie at MBC Gayo Daejun tonight. - 
- Suie at his Musical performance -

They all so busy now~
I wish 2013, will be their year ^_^

Thursday 27 December 2012

..Now I Know, How You Feel..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello minna~
Ok, cutting all the greeting down~
I want to share you a story,
A story about me, my besty and TVXQ.

Before that, bonus picture for today~
I have lots of YunJae evidence for all of you,
I will rush all the evidence before school start this January,okay :)

Ok, let's start my story.

I don't know when I know my twins but I know her.

It all started on 2010, I guess or 2009, I can't remember anything, sorry T.T
I became a member at AsianPopcorn.com (a kpop/jpop/tpop website)
I post everything there, news, picture and video is a full time posting.
Someday, I came across a Malaysia Cassiopeia and it a girl.
Her name in APC is nadz89.
I always chat with her, giggling together, laugh and one reason is because it TVXQ.
We are OT5 Cassiopeia and we support 2 and 3 of them because that who we are.

Then, until I made my account on Facebook, she add me again.
Then, we leave our APC world and enter FB world.
From that day, I guess..
I have known her for almost 2 or 3 years in my life.
That the power of TVXQ communicate me with people around me and this friendship is the best I have.

It started like.... both of us always buzz each other on our facebook private message.
We talked about TVXQ, ourselves and our family...
If one of us have a bad day, we tell each other and we get over it when we start spazzing TVXQ again.
Until now, I was a 16 years old girl and turning 17, she's the best person I have ever met.
I want you to know her as my 'besty' here, okay^^

My Besty, she really awesome person.
I felt like myself when I'm with her.
I can let out everything and tell her how my day goes.
Until, she told me :

'Wani, when do you want to visit me,here?'

I forgot to tell you, I'm from Terengganu and my besty is from Klang, Selangor.
To go to Kuala Lumpur, It takes 8 hours journey by bus and to go to Klang, I have to take another bus to go there.
She told me that, I just have to be at Kuala Lumpur bus station and she will pick me up.
That our plan , nice~ right (^_^)
But, the problem now that occur between us are non of us are free.
She had a job already and me, still in high school.
So, the date we set always clash with our activities.

But, the problem didn't broke our friendship when we start sharing what we had.
All the time TVXQ.
We spazz each other about our TVXQ and giggle with chibi tvxq gag. 
We always do that non-stop when it come to chibi tvxq gag.
We just can't stop.

Everything we do, we always do it together.
Like, we share our favourite YunJae story (we're YJS).
we will share what we saw about TVXQ on the facebook like what they wear.
Then we crazy ourselves searching for the items xD
We're not buying but just look at the price, we just laugh together.
And we always together when purchasing some TVXQ stuff.
We're like:

Besty : she sold this really high. aren't any store sell this?
Me : wait, I will look for it.
Besty : come one Wani, hrry up agent, roger~
Me: roger, besty! *Cuople of minutes pass* FOUND IT!
Besty : it cheap~ have to check safety back-up money first.

After a couple of weeks, or months.. she will tell me that It worth to buy.
Then, we start asking and bidding for the price.
Yeah, we always the same.

Being Jaejoong biased, both of us are really awesome.
We will spazz how beautiful Jaejoong is. 
How perfect he is.
Most is how beautiful Jaejoong is XD
* sorry jaejae you're just too beautiful*

She really good in this internet, pc,website thing.
I always asked her how to use this software..and this and that~
She will teach me.

Being a YunJae shipper, we make our own fanfics to be share to all YunJae readers.
She in-incharge on the plot and I was in-charge on writing the story.
She got really awesome ideas and she told me that my writing skill improved a lot.
That when we decided to make our own YunJae site.

and all the time spazzing is YunJae. *always =)*

Today, she asked me again when do I free?

I felt really bad since it been a long time friendship and non of us got the chance to meet each other up.
I really hope during the school holiday, If I can have 2 or 3 days off, I will go to her.
She even told me that to stay with her *so shy to stay with stranger*
She even said that don't act so shy since she knew who I am. >///<

I forgot to tell you, 
Because she trust me as a friend so much, she bought me JYJ - 3voice II and JYJ - Memories of 2010
Because I can't find here at my place.
I got at my place it just when I go there, it not in stock -_-||
She gift me as a gift of friendship. When I received the parcel after I back home from school, I cried so hard that she believe me like that. How amazing and wonderful person she is.
We just met on the internet but she treat me like we have being friend for ages.
I still remember how I hug her gifts in my embrance and cry thinking how wonderful friendship are.
She just someone who you can rely on, really. I don't lie to you.

I don't know how to please her,then I buy this JYJ StarCard collection. 
Not the whole box but only the packet.
I give her that since that was my precious treasure in my life.
And when she received it, I know that time, I already make my collection to someone who worth them all.
You all can just scroll down there on the sidebar and found her gift.

To tell you, the lesson I learned is:

It really valuable to have a friendship.
Do not ever broke your friendship for one small nano problem.
You don't know how worth you are when a person trust you.
You don't know how amazing you are if a person rely on you.
Don't ever break any of your friends heart because of your selfish attitude.

I don't know why but ~~~~~~~~
I think now I know how TVXQ friendship look like.

Because 5 of them are from a different background but they met under one fate.

It just same like me. I don't my besty and she didn't know me too.

They live together, get to know each other, they know what their member are like.

same as me. I don't know who my besty is after I friend with her.
Even she's busy at work, she still buzz me on facebook.

And that how I feel after my friendship with my besty.

Now I know how TVXQ feel, to be together, do the stuff you like together, cry together, laugh together, sharing everything together, be a good listener , and be someone who you can rely on.

That was the most beautiful in a friendship for me.

I cry writing this post again.
I don't want to lose her and I really want to meet her.
I know this year, this new year~
I will go and meet her.
And all day we will talked about TVXQ, our forever love.

I know who didn't understand my post will say that I'm too emotional.
But to tell you, if you all had experience something like this before,
You will know how I feel.
I really want to meet her and to thanked her so much for the wonderful years.

Nadzirah Jais, eventhough we are different but I know we always felt the same.
Thank you so much for being my lovely bestfriend.
I'm really the luckiest person to meet you and I know your friends too.

So, this all my post for today.
Thank you so much for reading.
Will see you all soon with my HOT YUNJAE EVIDENCE!!!


Wednesday 26 December 2012

..!!Happy 9th Anniversary,TVXQ & RedOcean!!..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello everyone~
So, do you all know what today is???
Hurry up.. guess..what today is??
Come on~

Hurry up~
Ppali..ppali !!!!!
You already know??
Yeah.. it's~~~~~

It's TVXQ 9th Anniversary day 
~(26/12/2003 - 26/12/2012)~

~Full credit to it's owner~


It has been 9 years our boys debut as a singer.
It has been 9 years they through many hardship.
It has been 9 years they make us laugh.
It has been 9 years they make us listen to their voice.
It has been 9 years they continue giving their music.
It has been 9 years they smile to us.
It has been 9 years they share wonderful memories with us.
It has been 9 years they still there, standing proudly to us.
It has been 9 years they keep moving forward for us.
It has been 9 years they cry silently without us.
It has been 9 years they bow to all of us.
It has been 9 years they fight everything for us.
It has been 9 years Only God know what their fate are~

It has been 3 years I have been a Cassiopeia
It has been 3 years I fight those cruel word towards my boys.
It has been 3 years I silently cry because of them.
It has been 3 years I laugh because of them.
It has been 3 years I smiled because of them.
It has been 3 years I ship YunJae.
It has been 3 years I know about them.
It has been 3 years I can't choose one of them to be mine.
It has been 3 years I shut my ears close hearing anti fans word.
It has been 3 years I through a wonderful journey of my life with the boys.
It has been 3 years finally I found my happiness and that happiness is my TVXQ.

Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun, Shim Changmin, Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho~

Thank you for making me today.
I don't really know my life before I met you guys?
Seriously ,you guys just appear in those Youtube screen then captured my heart until now!
So, my dear Cassie, let me tell you a story how TVXQ catch me xD

It all started when I was 12 years old that time, being a good girl, I watch some Japanese drama that my 2nd big brother download on his pc.
After I'm turning 13 on June, suddenly at the end year of 2009, I know this one girl who love kpop and she's an ELF and she one of my bestfriend now *wink*

When the first time I talked to her, she told me that I should go on Youtube and search Tohoshinki song since she and her sister like TVXQ first then Super Junior.
Being an innocent as always, I ignore their word until I met my sunbae(senior) in school after I enter like Taekwando group. It's not taekwando ,reallly!
My senior are girls, two girl. The skinny one love Jaejoong and the chubby one love Changmin (I don't know TVXQ that time). I told them why they like a group that almost disbanding since that time I accident-ly press some Korea channel that KBSWorld!

Both of them like eyeing me with dangerous eyes and yeah bully me if i din't come tomorrow with one of TVXQ song, I will fight with them during the club training. I was scared like hell since I know they have been in there like 4 years experience.
Then, lazily myself searching Tohoshinki name on the Youtube , then it come out ' Tohoshinki Survivor'.
I press the button then enter myself on their music video.
Yeah, I heard it then tomorrow came to school like always and I told them that I listened to Survivor.
They both like ' good girl, listen more to them,okay' and yeah I'm bestfriend with the chubby senior sister.

Yup, after 3 days, it was my end-year-examination.
I'm studying like a crazy girl to pass my grade.
Until there was this subject that I can't remember make me blank on the test paper exam.
I was praying and thinking very hard since I memorized not studying!

lesson learn : study smart! not study hard!

Then, suddenly I accidently singing Survivor song when answering the paper.
That time, it hit me on the heart!

'What song this I just sang?'

Then reality hit me again when I sang the song again.
After the examination end, I back home studying TVXQ not for my examination!!!
After a week, I think... I finally found why they disbanding, why they being like this~
Without I know, I shed my tears for them, for the person who I didn't know at all~
Then, it hit me again, I fall in love with these 5 boys~

Then, my journey started when I clever-ing myself entering the social network call Facebook.
I didn't tell my parents even my brother,2nd since he's someone that you can rely on that I have FB.
When he know I have this, he just say ' yeah ,you got FB'
I was scared like hell that he will mad at me but No, he didn't!! Cool,right?


I found many TVXQ fans and asked them who Cassiopeia is?
Funny right!
They explain to me and at the middle of June when I was 14 years old, that time I already fall in love with Jaejoong, since I accidently think he's a girl during the survivor! O.o
Sorry Cassie, my eyes!
I became a Cassiopeia and leave my fairy tale world and enter this Red Ocean World~

My first TVXQ album that I bought with my own money is -In Heaven-
I felt like crying to have it and worth because I buy it using my money , well, money that I got from school plus business, yeah~ follow up by -IN HEAVEN SPECIAL EDITION-
That was the best time for me and I even fell more in love with them.
Tohoshinki A- Side Collection and Mirotic are the gift from my big brother for me.
He just too kind for his own~

So, yeah~ the story goes by when my lovely sister owned a blog.
I asked her how to do one and she teach me and yeah, she helped me really a lot!
And during the teaching session, she teased me a lot!
She decorated this, and that until I can decorate it myself.
And now see it yourself, my own decoration for my own blog *wink*

Sorry for the too long post, I just want to share you how I feel~
And this anniversary too, All Cassiopeia around the world make a trend on Twitter :


The trend became WorldWide trend on twitter.
Well, it would since Cassiopeia and BigEast combine together today.
In Malaysia it Number.2 ~
So, for today post, I just want to say:

Congratulation, my boys for your anniversary~
And I think this is the best gift for Cassiopeia and BigEast all around the world for this Christmas ~
And to Muslim - Cassiopeia like me, It is best gift for the holiday.

Like Jaejoong said :

'Cassiopeia, show us that you unDEFEATED'

Okay Cassie and my dear readers~
Thank you all for reading my post and I LOVE YOU ALL~

Happy 9th Anniversary , Cassiopeia and BigEast.


Tuesday 25 December 2012

!!Xia Junsu Special Gift for Xmas!!

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello~
Hey you all, so any plan for Xmas??
I bet you all do~
So, let's go to our main topic, shall we??

Don't you want to pinch those cheek >///<

Okay, for this post before the Big post tomorrow~
This post overwhelmed my heart.


Because it's Junsu, we're talking over here~ xP
Okay, so the special gift that Junsu gave us is --->
He released a new digital single for this Xmas tittle ' Thank U For '

So, I was like ' let's here Junjun new song'
Opening my youtube as always and click the mp3 as always~
Then, my heart just stop (not dying,okay~~)

My heart just,

'who made this song????'
'suie, are you the one??'
'your voice really clam,suie.. love you'

Then, yeah became all obsess I started my so-spy-agent-roger-
Yup~ Finally I found who make this song and composed it.

To tell you, you all know  right, Junho,Kim Junho, Junsu brother aka twin but their face not the same.
Yeah, Junho wrote this song then this Japanese guy name Shikata-san  composed it~ xD
Yeah, Junho really really talented same goes to Junsu~

So, without wasting more time~
Here's the Xmas song to all Cassiopeia and JYJ fans all over the world.

Today snow is shining all over the world
Everyday, excited and waiting for the first snow
Heaven has given me the most precious gift
More precious than my white star
Waking up early in the morning to the sound of the bell ringing
I’ve been waiting anxiously to meet you
Finding a way to go to meet you
Loving the memories of us
White snow is piled up without sound
Pacing the streets more footsteps pound
I would flutter more
That day I had been dreaming everyday OH
Oh so I came
You and me holding hands, walking down the street
Memories spent with staring and laughing
You always cuddle up to me
Could not say
Today my heart wants to say I love you
Snuggling under the street lamp that illuminates
Your reflection in the transparent-like glass crystal
Little hands in your pocket
Your cheeks stained red
Flow as a city full of white
Is singing
Sounds over the hearts of the people come and go
I would smile at night
Nice and anywhere with me OH
Oh you to hug me
You and me holding hands, walking down the street
Memories spent with staring and laughing
Your innocent smile like a child
Oh I’ll protect you forever
We walked down the street, holding hands,
facing each other again
We created the memories one by one with you
Even if there are times when you get tired sometimes frightened
Do not forget
I’ll be here for you always like today
Forever by your side
This song for you

I know you all waiting for the download link,right?^^
So, being generous as always to my loyal reader- chan *wink*
Here's the download link for :

(XIA) Junsu - Thank U For MP3

Okay, I think this all I want to say~
Okay, guys, see you all tomorrow.
BIG DAY! really really A BIG DAY FOR DB5K & CASSIOPEIA all over the world.


p/s : Yunho is crying (O.o)

BooJae : Yunnie, you have me, chunnie n suie here~ *pat his hubby back*
YunnieBear : but.. why??? why??? *crying*
WideForeHead : chill out,dude! Changmin just be a MC, that all! nit leaving you,idiot!
CuteDolphin : yeah,Hyung, stop being crybaby ,please~ I want some sleep~
WideForeHead : see you make my baby whine!
BooJae : *stare at yoochun dangerously*
WideForeHead : aha...hhahaahaaha..haha~ e..ehh.. well, chill out Yun~
Owner- shii : hey guys, MIn being a MC with Hodong? nice, right *giggle*
YunnieBear : boo... min,...changmin??? *sobs*..*sobs*
Owner- shii : what with yunho anyway??
CuteDolphin : because Changmin be a MC, he said that he's alone >< geez, all I see, even minnie here, he still clingy on Jae Hyung~

WideForeHead : *sigh*..
MinFood : hey you all *smile widely*
YunnieBear : changmin *go and hug changmin*
MinFood : plese hyung, no skin ship please! I Hate Men!
WideForeHead : ahahaahahahaha~
Owner- shii : yo, he miss you~
BooJae : so much miss you,changmin~
MinFood : chill out hyung, I still be back at dorm? dahhh~
BooJae : see Yunnie, don't cry,hmm~
YunnieBear : if Boo say so, okay, I won't cry~

WideForeHead, CuteDolphin,Owner-shii, MinFood : O.O

Hihihii, spoiled Yunnie ;))

Monday 24 December 2012


Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello everyone^^
How are you doing today as always?
I hope my awesome readers have a good time (^_^)
Me?? Yeah~ On top of the mountain and the reason is the tittle xD

Okay~ Okay.. Let's go to the main topic!

~Bonus Picture ~

- I love this scene xDD -

Yeah~ 2 months collect gif of YunJae and Jaejoong~
This is what happen!!!!


You all MUST know right, our Jaejae is acting on this awesome movie~
Yeah! And to tell you - He REALLY approved a lot in his acting carrier and I'm really proud of him -

So, Off with the greasy praises~
Let's talk about Jackal!
Everybody especially Cassiopeia and JYJ fans are busying themselves downloading this movie including ME!
xP ~ Okay .. So, I just want to tell about what I felt after watching this~ OR you guys want summary for this movie??
LOL~ I prefer you all watch it yourself,okay^^

So, here's my opinion after watching 'Jackal Is Coming'

- MY OPINION *peace* - 

The first time make myself sitting in front of the pc, to watch this movie was really Daebak!
It just the feeling but after watching it ~~~>


Yeah, Jaejoong just really impressed me with his acting skill and it really fun!
I laugh alone- lol-
So, the story goes by when a group of police want to catch this person who known as 'Jackal'
And you all know that Jackal kidnapped Jaejae ,right?


Maybe I can't understand all the Korean language but 
I can understand the whole story and yeah~
the plot is a little bit off since I prefer this to have more action and ROMANCE!
Yup, romance~ I just love to see more romance 
but over all, it a SUCCESS !!!!
Jihyo as a senior actress she's really awesome.

and the Ahjumma!
-You Got to Watch it and you can figured out who Jaejae to this Ahjumma-
-lol- I laugh so hard when I know who Jaejae to this Ahjumma!
*sorry Jaejae, you just the best*
*Yunnie, how do you think of Jaejae after watch this XD*
*AMUSED, huh since he used OR always be yours xD*

That all I could say~
but over all
I think it okay, fun, had action, and a little romance~
yeah~ a SUCCESS!

And after toooooo much of Jaejae
Yeah~ I got hooked by one of Jaejae song and to tell you
I think all the song in Jackal is composed by Jaejae!!
There're too many like 4-6, I think~
I don't know what the full song name but one thing I know
 In the movie ,the part is ->
- sarang~ nae sarang~ - 
something like that, when the scene Jaejae being hug by his 'girl' *jealous*

But, Jaejae really cute when he kiss the girl on the cheek and being shy >///<
Jaejae, you always make me smiled like an idiot over here *fanning my self*

The song 

- I just love this man over here *hit by bricked* -
[Look closely at 0:45]
Habit, never change,huh!
Miss Diva, I know Yun spoiled you too much xD

So, this all I got after watching it (^_^)
Hehehehe, like I always do to my awesome readers~
Download link for the full jackal movie aren't given this time~ sorry all *bow*
If you want the download link, can pm me at Facebook or just buzz me here at the comment below ,okay~
I will give it to all of you^^ AND of course NO SUB!

I want this to be secret since, all the Jackal movie that have been uploaded on Youtube ,already been deleted by the 'so-right-owner-of-this-movie-'
Well, I know it ILLEGAL DOWNLOADING but hurry up~
I can't wait for the sub!!!!!
And I want to protect the downloading site too before being deleted by -so-right-owner-

So, being generous as always ~
Here's the download link for :

Sorry nae, everyone~
I have only this with me in time being~
If I have more, I will upload for you guys,okay~
Don't be sad,nae~ 

Ok, everyone~
Bye for now~
See you on 26/12/2012, okay~ *wink*

p/s : YunnieBear jealous!! xP

BooJae : Yunnie, don't be sad, nae~ BooJae sorry *pout*
CuteDolphin : yeah,hyung! don't be so over-reacting,please~
WideForeHead : Su, never mad at me you know..do that thing~
CuteDolphin : I ALREADY DID!
WideForeHead : but I make up to you *grin*
CuteDolphin : yeah~~~~
MinFood : oh, please! find somewhere else,please!!!
Owner- shii : hey, Yunho~ it just acting beside you know who always own Jae *rolled eyes*
YunnieBear : but~~ Boo, you~ you~ far away than that!
BooJae : it's call acting, baby~
YunnieBear : *pout*
BooJae : yunnie, forgive boojae?
YunnieBear : hmmm~ forgive~ *smiled childishly*
MinFood : finally! umma, hungry~ *whine*
BooJae : let's eat everyone~ I make enough ~

ok, Bye ^_^

Thursday 20 December 2012

..!! SPAZ!!! JaeMin Couple !!..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Olla~
It always a friendly greet to my readers first~
How are you guys doing?
For me it's cold in here, in my house, in my room because???
Terengganu is again on it Raining Season like always~
Yeah, December, is the raining season for Terengganu not to mention, Kuala Lumpur, Klang also hit by heavy rains comes with the lightning ^_^ *nice right*

Just kidding~
So, Klang aka  Lightning Capital~
Well, it not only Klang but the area around it also effected too.
So, I just want to share this with you.
And of course the geography thingy make some research and yeah~
Give KLANG this name. *so cool*

Ok, not wasting our time anymore~
kyaaaaaaaaaaa ><


So,  the story that I want to share here are:

Jaejoong will be releasing his OWN solo album NEXT YEAR *jump in the air*

Beautiful isn't he? xD

Do you know how long Cassie and me have been waiting for this?????
Finally, he announce it~

Jaejae, I love you so much, baby *kiss your cheek*

Ok, so the album genre will be ROCK style (O.o)
Yeah~ that my first expression after I read the news~
OMG!!!!! Can you imagine, JAE ---> AS A ROCK STYLE???
We all know that Jae has this feminime side of him~
I just really can't wait for the album~

And Cassie, this is a MUST BUY ALBUM!!!!
I'm saving right now for our Jaejae~
Yeah~ sorry for this super duper excited me~
It just like dream came true~


YUP~ *jump in the air once again*
And all this song will be in his next album, If I'm not mistaken.
The tittle of the songs that I know are:

1) Stay
2) Inside Me
3) Kiss Me

Yup, these 3 song make me crazy because ~

'STAY' it autotune, and yeah, Jaejae never composed song like this so, I'm really excited for the full version.

'Inside Me' , this song being written during the filming of Jackal. Jaejae wrote this song in the story when he just want to debut as a singer. If I'm not mistaken because lately I have too much YunJae evidence in my mind ~

'Kiss Me' , this is totally my YunJae evidence because :

Credits To : Zeinab Says

Jaejoong is delusional .

FanMeeting 1 , What’s your inspiration when writing songs ? JJ : it’s someone .

FanMeeting 2 , what’s your inspiration when writing songs ? JJ : past memories and Love , Love the most important .

“I have never written a song for a woman.”

Kiss me Lyrics ———- “You’re my everything ..you’re so hot ! so Cool ! So sweet ! In making love ! ”

Doesn’t it sound like it’s a girl describing her boyfriend in bed ? 

--> To Me , yeah, that sound just too perfect. Thanks Jaejae and Zeinab Says for the wonderful evidence.
*hugs you*

Ok, for the second news is about our Changminnie ^_^

The one who ruin my life now (>//<)

Yup, Minnie is releasing an OST to Jeon Woo Chi drama on KBSWorld.
You all could watch it every Wednesday and Thursday at 9:00PM(Malaysia zone).
The tittle is ' A Person Like Tears'

So, without wasting our time, here the Ost of the month :

Yup, it send shiver to my spine hearing Changmin voice.
Ok, so being generous to my fellow readers~
Here is the download link for the OST.

So, that all the post today~
Happy Holiday, everyone~

p/s : Jaejae is embarassed.

YunnieBear : baby, enough okay~ you want me to eat you.
WideForeHead : Jae, your just with your clumsy as always.. chiil out~
CuteDolphin : Jaejae, don't be upset.
MinFood : It just one small matter, umma~

YunnieBear : but, Boo.. but you vote at the end right??
BooJae : I DID!!! but, why Yunnie don't wait for me?
YunnieBear : but we met right at the fifth floor when you went to the wrong place *grin evilly*
CuteDolphin : stop it~ gah~ cheesy as always~
MinFood : that my umma and appa XD
Owner -shii : well, you quite a higlight Jae~
WideForeHead : well, they said you cute thought~
YunnieBear : and I love the praise so much. You're always beautiful Jae. Natural Beauty.
BooJae : auww Yunnie *hug Yunnie*
WideForeHead : -leave the place-
MinFood : hey, Wani~ let's watch some movie.
Owner- shii : let's go.
Ok, Bye everyone *give cookies to you*

Wednesday 19 December 2012

..Happy Birthday our CuteDolphin..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello~
Is the usual greeting,right??
Ok, how my lovely readers doing today?
Fine? Moody? Sad? Happy? Overdoes excited?
For me, just fine~
Ok, read the tittle,nae~


So, our cute duck butt over here is turning 27 this year (in Korean) and 26 (if we use the international time)
Sorry, it just owner- shii, can't find the right word to describe it.Okay~

All Cassiopeia make Junsu birthday even meaningful when,
We make #27XiahDay as a trend on Twitter~
In a split second - it became a WolrdWide Trend-
Yup, and me too participate in it^^

I know it late to wish someone happy birthday
But, what the heck, it my blog xD


Ok, let's begin my birthday wish ^_^

Hai Junsu,
Happy Birthday, darling *kiss your cheek* (O/N : don't kill me ,yet~)
It your birthday darling, 
I don't know what to say~

You hae grown up to be the most fine man I ever seen
Though many circumstance will come but you still doing it~
Doing something you really love 
It the MUSIC.

Thank you for not giving up, dear~
I'm started crying now, writing this.
It has been almost 4 years nae, you celebrate it with Yoochun and Jaejoong.
It's okay, dear~
The time will come soon.
Just wait and pray,nae~

Uri Junsu ya~
My heart just want you to be happy with your life.
I love seeing your smile
Your gags, I miss them all a lot.
Your innocence side
I miss the Junsu that always smile innocently in front millions people.

But, baby, It's okay~
You have grown up to be stronger than before
You have grown up to be professional than before
You have grown up for the experience you have been through
You have grown up to see the world within now
You have grown up to make yourself, facing this circumstance 

I believe you always be alright
You said ' please, looking forward to our music in the future'
I know you didn't give up
And with that, Midhoyo Junsu ya~

What Music Will You Listen To
It' would be your music 
the music who will flutters millions of heart 
Trust me
I know 

Ok,Cassie~ that all my love notes~
*hit by bricked*
I still have more post coming
Stay tuned nae~

p/s : TVXQ house is dark!!

Owner- shii : hey, why so dark in here?
MinFood : aish, hurry up, we gonna make surprise party over here~
YunnieBear : don't spoiled it~
BooJae : ppali, wani~ hide here~


WideForeHead : baby, I forgot the key, enter the house first,okay~
CuteDolphin : okey~

-Enter the House-

YunnieBear, MinFood, BooJae & Owner- shii : Happy Birthday, uri Junsu ya~
CuteDoolphin : OH MY GOD SUN !!!!!!
WideForehead : Happy Birthday, baby *hug from behind*
MinFood : yah~ you're turning old xD
BooJae : don't be so meanie, minnie. *pout*
YunnieBear : auw~ baby, you're so cute *pinch Jaejae cheek.
Owner- shii : Happy Birthday~
CuteDolphin : Thank you ,guys~ *tears*
WideForeHead : why you're crying, baby~
CuteDolphin : for this~ it so precious to me.
BooJae : we're family, JunJun.
YunnieBear : yup~ as always~
MinFood : come one, I want the cake!
Owner- shii : *smiling*

I wish it true~

Friday 14 December 2012

..!! my WEIRD dream O.o!!

Assalamualaikum, Anyeinghasaeyo and Hello everyone^^
How my forever sweet readers doing?
Fine, right.. as always??
It;s okay if you had a bad day today because thing happens in our life not like expected.
So, this sarcastic person over here gonna cheer you moody bad mood to alive XD
Ok, too much sleep today and yeah I will start the main topic XD.

Okay.. okay~ as you all know this blog is about me,friend and of course our DBSK.
so, yeah.. read the 'what-the heck-tittle-'  --> my WEIRD dream??
So, let begin owner- shii craziest dream I told you~

So, first of all ~
this person here-who-writing-for-you- is really a Facebook person since yeah, I purchase TVXQ items there and it became like buying account there *does it make sense*
move on, please-------------->
so, there these one famous seller of kpop, I should say.. she make a post about F4 Korea.
so, we all know right, F4 Korea are:


The forth person, I really don't know since I only know Jaejoong is one of the F4 and I didn't take note for other 3 until I read her post.
Please forgive this un-social-person-here *bow*

And I was like, ok^^
Her post like she added one member to the F4 Korwa and I was like 'yeah, it your life not me'
and yeah, I scroll... scroll...scroll down since it my home FB then something catch my eyes
- Baby Catch Me, Catch Me, Catch Me Girl Tonight - 
*Sorry, that song just played in my mind when I saw the post XD*

The post stated ' Jung Yunho will stars in -Queen Of Ambitious- '

I was like 'yaaaahoooooooooooo. Yunho acting but NO!!!!!!!!!!!'
I scream my dear life in my heart =.= since there MUST  be a kissing scene 'OMG!!!' *face palm*
Why,.. Why~~
But, it's okay since Changmin safe XD I love you, darling *thumbs up*

Ok, then today on (13/12/2012),
I went to look for my school uniforms with one of my bestfriend and yeah we didn't get any of our school uniform since someone keep rushing us.
So, continue our story, I'm so mad because I'm not free as always and to have time like today is heaven for me since I can buy items that I want. XD
So, because of the mad thingy and tired , I fall asleep ~

Then, the story just started - sorry for the looooong explanation-
So, I dream about Yunho*nice,right* but as a school F4 (O.o)
Yeah, this - Hana Yori Dango (Japan) - Boys Over Flowers (Korea) drama- 
The first one I watch is Japanese version (that time already out Korea ver) and the Korea , I just watch randomly. I prefer Japan version because I think it the best. It has 3 volume of Japan ver. I watch it ll and love them (>_<)
I prefer Japanese version since 'Shun Oguri there XD' and the korea F4, didn't attract me at all~
*I'm really sorry who love F4 Korea. It just I think F4 japan is so cool. I'm really sorry*

So, let me introduce F4 Japan and F4 Korea.

F4 Japan are:

From left: Sojirou Nishikado, Akira Mimasaka, Tsukushi Makino, Tsukasa Domyouji, Rui Hanazawa

F4 Korea are:

From left: Geum Jandi, Song Woo Bin, So Yi Jung, Goo Jun Pyo, Yoon Ji Ho

So, here's the cast.
And my dream started that Yunho is among the F4 but the weird things are the F4 in my dream are :

 1)Jung Yunho
2)Sojirou Nishikado

Sorry guys, it just a dream -> my weird dream.
And like Yunho character is like Rui/Jiho in the drama ><
OMG~ so hot and Yunho had these awesome hair, it blonde and gold color.
Can you guys imagine but the scene is that Yun got tide up on the chair and Geum Jandi like someone from the gangster gang (O.o)
And, in the other part, Sojirou and Jandi best friend 'Gaeul' I think her name is on one of the Sojirou villa and they are worming up like jogging ??
So, I don't know how but, there's like 4 bus came to the villa and Yun is on the bus then, when Jandi see her best friend she jump of the bus and hug her??
And, I watch a new drama that attract me 'The King Of Dramas' ,is not because of Siwon but it because of the girl and the bastard man name Anthony Kim. I like him a lot. With his voice, like gentleman but OMG!! I have a crush on old man ?? *ok, Minnie, you're sleeping with me tonight *

So, there this director who direct a drama in the drama I watch * I hope you understand*
He's crazy, name Lee Hyukjae XD I love him, he's really funny.
Then, my dream continue when this Lee HyukJae is some gym teacher in the drama??
So, he's flirt with Jandi best friend then, Yun and Shojirou saw it then, ask all the guys who ride the bus to punch this Lee HyukJae and I laugh in my sleep.
But, the shocking things is that ' Yun is not in love with Jandi at all!!!!'

Maybe Jaejae is the heroine in the story XD

When, I woke up because of I heard voice~
 my mom woke up said :
' berat doh budop ning, ade ngila dlm tido' 
Translation XD :
' heh, why you're laughing in the sleep. kids'

So, there goes my dream. WEIRD , right !!!!
Maybe because I'm too excited because of Yunho gonna acting.
Since, Yun is really handsome to me right now and with his charisma he's like every girls dream of.
Perfect for gentleman, perfect smile, perfect handsome.. everything~

- Bonus picture -
Perfect, right * who agree with me XD*

But, Changmin, you're number #1 in my list right now!
Stop ruin my life XDD, I love you darling XD
My DBSK list :

Changmin, Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun , Junsu,

So sorry, BooJae.. it Minnie destroy my life right now. Not you T.T
but in the beginning .. YES! you're my first Jaejoongie XD.

So, there's my weird dream. Should I make fanfics about this??
Sorry for the too long post.

Ok, Bye~ See you all soon.
Current song : Tohoshinki - I Know.

p/s : CuteDolphin is crying.

BooJae: susu, don't cry, baby~
WideForeHead : baby, your chunnie is here~
Owner- shii : ehh?? why Junsu cry??
BooJae : don't know *pout*
YunnieBear: he didn't tell us.
Owner- shii : where's Changmin anyways~
BooJae : in the kitchen
WideForeHead : as always, Wani~
Owner- shii : ok *walk to the kitchen*
MinFood : yo~
Owner- shii : do you do something to Junsu??
MinFood : noooopppe *munching his food*
BooJae : tell us, suie~ what happen?
WideForeHead : yes, baby..tell us~
YunnieBear : just tell us, su~
MinFood : Yoochun hyung is the problem *shout from the kitchen*
WideForeHead : me?? baby, me?? tell me, baby~ *hug Junsu*
Owner- shii : what's the problem anyway??
MinFood : something with their every-night-activities-!
Owner- shii : OMG! 
CuteDolphin : chunnie *sobs* you forgot*sobs* to give*sobs* cookies to*sobs* me yesterday*sobs*~
WideForeHead : *smiling evilly* baby, let's give it right now~
BooJae : auw *shy*
YunnieBear : these two !! Boo, want you too *pout cutely*
BooJae : I want you too, Yunnie *hide his blush face*
MinFood : niiieeew colletiiion *mouth full of food*
Owner -shii : >< this family ~

Ok, I will stop now XD.

Thursday 13 December 2012

.. !!OMG!!! 2 MV IN ONE MONTH?? ..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello miinna~
guess, what happen to owner- shii life right now?
well, you could say that owner- shii just too excited in her life right now~
so, the topic owner- shii want to discuss over here is :

!!OMG!! 2 MV IN ONE MONTH??.. 

Is it big enough?? XD
I'm really sorry over here *bow*
well, 2 MV in one month??
yeah~ it about our TVXQ again *wink*

well, I was like :

 auw, HoMin release a Japanese MV (which Avex didn't make official news at all =.=), yay
*jump in the air*
continue by watching the music video Tohoshinki - I Know (so cool)
after finish atching -->
my heart -> This is our TVXQ style *proud* almost crying ,I told you~
They just WOW me so much in this MV.
The feeling they delivered, reach my heart and I can feel this song.
And the paino playing just WOW me again because I love the sound of piano.
The last minutes of I Know mv, really amazed me.

There's Yunho and Changmin singing, since I didn't notice that it was a mirror ~
then, come this vase then hit Yun and Min~
I was like ' nice~ very very nice mv. This is TVXQ !'
Or It just me who too focus XDD

Then, today 12/12/2012 on 11:30 pm , I was like:

' LET'S UPDATE BLOG, Wani. It's been a long time'

So, I was like ' let's search some music to hear'
then, I saw:

 ' XIA - Even Though I Already Know' uploaded by CJESJYJ ~

And I was like, 'omg~ another MV how come I don't know??'
Yeah, I'm a bit lacked about this news thing so yeah~ *don't hit me*

So, Junsu, did really good hob in these mv and I love the song.

So, not wasting our time anymore,
Here's the MV of the month :

Tohoshinki - I Know MV
(I love you Changmin, darling >//<)

( The ending is the best)

 So, here's the 2 MV of the Month (^_^)
Being always generous to all my readers,
These are the download link MP3 :

Tohoshinki - I Know MP3
XIA - Even Though You Already Know MP3

So, here's it~

Before baking off~

.The picture awesome.
TVXQ gonna release their 'Catch Me (Japan Ver.) on 16 January 2013.
So, Cassie, ready your money XD

Ok, bye-bye everyone.
*SORRY for the too much LARGE word -bow*

p/s : MinFood is busy O.o

Owner- shii : where's Changmin anyway?
BooJae : busy. *pout cutely*
YunnieBear : as always.
WideForehead : Yup. He's busy right now.
CuteDolphin : Minnie, so so busy.
Owner- shii : busy??? about what~
BooJae, YunnieBear, WideForehead and CuteDolphin : EATING !!!!!
Owner- shii : =.=