!!it's me!!

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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Friday 26 October 2012

.. Crazy YunJae Love ..

Hello guys,
It the owner- shii again *bows*

I will make it short
My last post is about how 'WE' crazy fan-ing our sweet YunJae, right ?
And to tell you guys~
My 7 years old cousin here with me today because she want to watch horror movie!!!
Get it --> Horror Movie --> 7 years old!!!
I was like... 'even me hate those kind of thing'
But to tell you guys She's smart kid.
I really like her cause she never create problem *a little perhaps but most of time she didn't*  and understand older people well~
Like our Minnie, right^^
That why she's my favourite cousin.

So, the story began when She was like :

My cute cousin: Kak Wani (mean like refer to older sister) Can we watch horror movie?
Me: what~ Horror *in my mind - is this kid for real - *
My cute cousin : yes- yes~ Aisya like horror movie the best. *with her cute face*
Me: okay, let Kak Wani open Kak Wani lappy.
My cute Cousin : okay~

Then, I opened my lappy and my lappy picture is YunJae *mention in my last post*
SO here, the picture u'oollllls~

Out of the blue , my cute cousin scream happily.
I was like :

Me: Are you okay, Cutie?
My Cute Cousin: he's really handsome.
Me: who?
My Cute Cousin: Him *she stare at Yunho Lovingly*

And my expression was like this (O_O)
And yeah, I love YunJae but I didn't expose more information about our YunJae since she's still a kid
and I don't want her to know that I ship this kind of relationship~
She still innocent~
If tell her about this, she probably asking around what Gay is!!!
And you know who at fault!!!!

Then, my YunJae-ness didn't stop there when I ask my cutie over here

Me: Yeah, he's really handsome... but What do you think of this one *refer to Jae*
My cute cousin : He's cute... is there a GUY like him in this world?

I was like :
- she can notice Jae is a Guy even me mistake Jae as a girl during the first time I saw him on Survivor MV since he really caught my intention and that was the first time I fall for our DBSK but again reality hit me when my mind spoke ' this a boy group, idiot!! what girl doing here'

She continued

My cute cousin : Aisya refer Him more 'point at Yun*

And seriously my 7 years old didn't blind choosing HOT guys.
She really like hot guys!!!
She only 7 years old for God sake~
Her eyes are brilliant *thumbs up*

So that was the story,
I just want to share since it YunJae we're talking over here.

P/S : Owner-shii got like 30 minutes lecturing from his cutie cousin because owner-shii didn't have horror movie in her lappy! not even one!!!

Yah~ Horror scared me to death~ major heart-attack.
Owner not a fan of horror movie, told you my cutie cousin since a long time ago.
But ended up myself watching one and yeah~ it shiver down my spines.

You will end up embarrassing yourself. *screaming full of heart since it not even that horror*

That all, Cass~
Bye *give cookies to you*

Thursday 25 October 2012

.. Mushy Mushy YunJae ..

Hey, u'ollllsss~
Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello~ *wink*
So after my post about YunJae Fact 2.
I was like survey my blog rating and Yunjae story got all the eyes of Cassiopeia.
I was like 'woahh'
Thanks Cass for viewing our most beloved YunJae.

So, for today,
I'm going to spazz again about our YunJae 
this time it just mushy mushy moment picture of OUR YunJae.

[Warning] Most of the picture is fanmade.
That is YJShippers do the best *thumbs up*

  ~  So, Let's crazy ourselves Cassie ~

Look so real *Jaema always cute*

 All time amazed picture of YJCouple.
I was wondering like :
- what if YJ is really married?
Yeah~ if this true, Cass we should make a congratulate video for them.

YunJae find their comfortable spot 
*aish, always lovey dovey* 

That what you get, Mr. Spiderman for touching Yun property.XD

Someone is enjoying what he see XDD
- who wouldn't - 

Yun, Jae won't go anywhere *obsess hubby much*
- LOL, Jae expression *SECURE* -

Mr. JUng can't get enough of your wifey, nae~
*poor our c**kblocking* (you all know what I mean,right) XD*

I just love what Yunho said
It like they secure their relationship to be eternally
*cry a little*

This when Jaema is drunk !! XDD
Love Min for liking ~ Chun the best!! ~

~ The Truth ~
See the difference XD

~ Pretty and Handsome ~
.The best word to describe both of them.

Jae is gonna tweet this pic. *kyaaa*
Hope it someday

~ Beautiful, isn't ~

The last picture of Our YunJae for today

I just fall in love more when I see this picture
Gonna make my laptop dp (~_^)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

So, Cassie, this is all I got and I posting this pictures as a appreciation of mine to all of you
for visiting and reading my post.

The next post is coming~
so stay tuned,okay.

~ Thank you for your times to read mine~

Tuesday 23 October 2012

.. TVXQ Catch Me album ..

hey you oolllsss~ *wink to you*
before that, Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello
Before starting off my crazy tweeting here,
I want to congratulate our Chunnie for starring in the new drama of MBC, I think
'I Miss You' with the most wanted girl Yoo Eun Hye.
Love her so much and I think our Chunnie will be creating another record of TVXQ since from singer become an Actor in the same time well good in composing, singing, acting and etc.. etc *blow kiss yo Chunnie*

So, enough with the babbling about or Chunnie, so Catch Me album is OUT, you all spell it O.U.T.
I'm talking about the Catch Me album who had 2 version the RED & BLACK version.
You all know the RED is why and the black is just additional since it 2 members now.
I feel sad about this but what to do just to pray.
They will be back it just the matter of time and the right situation.
They can't just budge in?? right?^^

OK, Cassies.. this is the album (^_^)

TVXQ - CATCH ME * I want the one in red shirt * XD

Sorry Cass, just love our Minnie so much since Jaema has become a Diva right now~
You know what I'm talking about ' Jaema going to Joongki premier movie with all black and holding purse'
Cass, read me 'PURSE. --> P.U.R.S.E.
He's already shine too much than the Sun now 'oh Jaema, just marry Yun soon'
and Yun, don't you dare keeping him too long in the bed room'
Sorry,Cassie.. this nuts mind *hit by bricked* still alive here XD

OK2.... so, yeah.. Yunho the RED one and Minnie is the black one.
Behind the two box has Min face since Yun the front and for Min had Yun at the back.


                                                   CASSIOPEIA, DO YOU GET THE ALBUM, YET??

For me, I'm waiting for their Catch Me Special Edition album.
Yeah, I'm not getting the top since the special edition include the both tops but yeah money issue again.

So, here's the Special Edition:

It just same with the top picture but what makes this album so wanted is that:
It has :~

2 Message card (I think from Yun and MIn)
4 Random Card (maybe photocard)
2 Posters (their main posters, I guess^^)

The packaging just so unique.
I like this. NIce *wink*
Ok, so I was asking all the kpop seller where to find this awesome album
But, what I got is that, they taking order for this but the didn't confirm what inside.
That upset me a little but like the 3rd or 4th before that I mention my Cassie Cuzzie
She help me to find it~
So, finally I purchase the awesome album at 'MY~ TVXQ! Fanclub in Malaysia'
RM130 around #40 dollar, I think^^

view the full link below, okay:
The MYR is RM20 more up at YesAsia but still want to let you know (^_^)

                                                 TVXQ - Catch Me Special Edition album

So, I will update this blog when I have time just like now and inform you about the Awesome Album.
Also, I'm also purchasing TVXQ - TRICK special member project^^
You all know right, their TRICK song using all the letter T.R.I.C.K to name their 5 songs^^

T  - Two heart        (Changmin)
R  - Runaway         (Yoochun)
I   - If...                  (Junsu)
C  - Close to you   (Yunho)
K  - Keyword        (Jaejoong) 

So, stay tune, nae, Cassie^^
I love you so much.
That all for now.

Saturday 6 October 2012

.. YunJae Facts 2..

Hye you ollssss~
it the YJshippers again
So, for today
I'm going to talk about the couple who make my life upside down after OT5 XD
it YunJae couple!!!!
the couple who make me writing fanfic about them
the couple who make blush everytime I think about them
the couple who just so so 10000000% R.E.A.L.
As a human being myself, 
they both really really R.E.A.L.

So, introduce this is my beloved couple of all the couple~

Beautiful isn't it *flower all over me*
I know, you must think why I ship this guyXguy aka Gay
But to me I think this is gay since they just look perfect together.
Is't a fault to like something like this?
Ok, I admit I LOVE THEM.

So, you all already know about them,huh *smirk*
the pisture show Jaejoong and Yunho , right?
but I still go with Yunho follow by Jaejoong since it YunJae. XD
and you know why YUN then JAE, right XDD
this mind~ (>_<)

Ok. enough with the babbling,
so here the fact, I'm talking about (^_~)


1. YunJae hug really different from other members

From what I see, this hug is not a friendship hugs, not satisfied
here's the evidence

my revision after seeing this
first : how can a man hug like that (so natural) they must do it often
second : when Jaejoong hug Yunho, his right hand is on Yunho shoulder?
( is that a girl hug for who she love)
I leave the rest for you to think.

2. YunJae - sharing the same it natural but when you far away for someone?
Jaejoong having the same shoes, clothes and accessories same as Yunho 
how can you say it coincidence?

From what I see, this not staying together doesn't affect YJ at all.
I know maybe they buy after see each other wearing this and that but
mostly in Jaejoong wardrobe during COO, it has Yunho clothes mostly.

3. YunJae know how to hide something,huh

During the time when Jaejoong crazy himself looking for his hubby bag 
and he find it turn out to be the luggage
My revision
first : of course he interested in his hubby since Yun is him right.
second, there a Red Ginseng, right in Yun case.
we all know what Red Ginseng for XD naughty Yun
(Red Ginseng is used to built up stamina and of course for the inner sexuality)

4. YunJae , Jaejoong cry because of Yunho
 yeah, this is sound a bit shocking right, 
well actually, he cried because the song that Yun sing ' Confession' by Im Jae Bum
This is happening during their 85 Anniversary for the one who born that year,
Yun sing the song and Jae just cry then Yun comfort him afterward.

This is the translation of the song

The translation is really hard to understand but for me
it simple - 2 words
.Forbidden Love.

5. Yunjae, Jaejoong call Yunho -> DARLING

This moment happen when Jaejoong and Yun was in a radio show with Heechul, SJ
Then, Heechul open a topic
Heechul : You (refer to Jae) and Yun are married.
Jaejoong : Yunho is cold lately
Heechul : hahaha
Jaejoong : but, I love you, Darling.
Yunho : *chocking* since he's drinking water that time.

My expression, Jaema you know how to make Yun crazy for you,huh.

6. Gashiyeon - YunJae novel by YJShipper

It was written is Chinese but still YJshipper give it to them and both of them really 
amused by YJShipper and yeah also known have that dark side story and angst~

7. YunJae Wedding Book sign by Korean celebrities

Yeah, YJS rocks.
Not all korean artist but the one who close to them sign the book which is make by YJS

view here for more, okay :

8. YunJae hug from the back 

This is during one radio show in 2005, if i'm not mistaken.
Jaejoong confess to the DJ that when Yun hug him , he felt shy
and Yun said when he hug Jae from the back, he felt calm.

View this you 'olllllls

Huhu, enjoy fanning yourself, guies~ 

9. YunJae walk of the altar

Ok. this is during their CF interview when the MC want between 5 of them to act 
like a new married couple. 
Yoochun and Junsu don't want then the MC wants between YunJaeMin
Jaejoong stated better Min with Yun but his hand wants He and Min
Looking how needing Yun, he starting to drag Jae with him 
Jae act like spoiled girl, all of them just laugh
Then, YunJae ended up together

O/N: Jae , you prefer be a wife to Yun (>_<)
so obvious, wink ;)

10. Yunho once took a picture of Jaejoong dressed as a woman (while filming Vacation), and went around showing it to the staff. When asked if it was a picture of his girlfriend, he said ‘yes’ instead of explaining that it was Jaejoong cross-dressing.

Yeah, this story really make a highlight for SM Stuff that time. 
Jaejoong revealed it but i don't remember what show it is.
'Naughty Yun'

11. Yunho's old nickname for Jaejoong is Jiji

So now, you all know how Jaejoong get his name cat XD

12. Both have described each other ' my other half' 

This is during back 2010, if i'm not mistaken, when writing message to members,
Jaejoong stated at last of his sentences ' My other Half, Yunho'
aish this make me blush.

This is all I have. I don't want to put so many since all of you know, right?
It takes forever if it YUNJAE , we're talking here.

My last word before ending my post today,

Sometimes, when you really love someone, do you really need a reason to love that person.
For me, it not since Love come really unexpected.

Bye you all, see you soon.

Friday 5 October 2012


oll-la everyone~
it the same insane owner you love *wink ;)*
Enough with the crazy mind of mine
Shall we start our fan-girling now *kyaaa*

Why... is there something going on?
Is it Jaema crazy tweeting again?
Is it Changmin become more handsome OR
Yoochun just kill you with his smile again??

See, this my mind XDD
For Jaema so far not yet tweet anything since he's in the BIFF -> Busan International Film Festival with Song JiHyo for their upcoming movie 'Jackal is Coming'
o/n: She is one lucky girl~ *envy*

Yeah for Changmin, he always handsome to me. After reading too much and searching too much about him, you all could say I fall in love with this food maniac man. Everyday this love growing non-stop and after the catch me live, he just kill me with the smirk!!!!!!!
o/n: Please, come to Malaysia just for showcase.. I don't Mind at all!! Just please come here, want to meet you so bad! Sorry Jaema, have to kidnap your son XDD *runaway*

So far Uncle Chun still leading with the charming smile since Jaema is the beautiful one *smirk* and yeah his acting again after his hit drama this 2012 'Rooftop Prince' <- best drama ever *hope win the daesang for this drama* and now the same year his acting again in 'I Miss You' . What make it more meaningful is that the script writer make the script by thinking of him. *Scripwriter salute you* I think the script writer love our Uncle Chun.
o/n:  Aunty Su, you doing great with your best buddy and love your new ost for An Innocent Man 'Love Is Like Snowflake' .I just love the melody^^

Ok. Enough wit the rambling!
Let's got to our main topic here ' TVXQ LIVE on Music Bank!!!'
Heel yeah!!! I was screaming like crazy in front of the tv~ *poor my mum and dad*
*Bow* Forgive me.
Back to the story and yeah!!!! they perform the I DON'T KNOW and of course CATCH ME for their comeback stage today and guess what Cassiopeia vote for them and their start with the 2ND place!
Cassiopeia, you just rock our DBSK name here. Thanks Cassie *hugs you all tight*
and yeah the stage and Cassie shouting like crazy make me heating up too XDD

So... let's all check this awesome comeback ~

the link

I hope it help you all. I just upload the Catch Me video not the full one since the full one is kinda not HD~
So far, they no.2 and they lost to Psy. I think the lost because of the Digital Sale. I really want them to win next week. Whereas, let's keep supporting them. Always Keep The Faith.

About the song for their comeback, I aspect them to sing 'VIVA' or 'I SWEAR' ~
guess it not this time(^_^) maybe their shy,huh  for the I Swear song and Viva is just too seshy XD *fanning myself over here* But over all, the I DON'T KNOW is still the best since Min can smirk more 
*kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* Love you ,Min ~
*got hit by brick on the head*
ME: fine~ Love U, 5 ^^

Ok, that all for now.
Bye. Stay tune, okay for more~
Support 5 of them^^
Sorry for much babbling about the OT5. 
I kinda miss them~ *bow*

Thursday 4 October 2012

..new looks..

Assalamualaikum, Hello and Anyeonghasaeyo~
it the owner-shii again~
well, it quite sometimes this clumsy girl over here updated,right.
so, today like usual day for me
I have been blog searching for new items for me blog
so, that the title up there has to do today post.

so far very good,
I just changed my wall photo.
How is it?
Is it good?
I made it myself.
Do complain if it ugly *it ugly*

So, usually I will update about my crazy things like always but not today
It just I'm too tired to reply all the comment form the FB
sometimes, this finger got cramped!
Do you have experienced it before?
Of course you do,right~
this social network really make my hands so tired
better used them for my homework XDD

Ok. like I said before, so far so very good at editing this blog.
Well, of course internet slow like tortoise ,can I even refer to that~
sorry tor *puppy eyes*
yeah, searching for the song right now and yeah visit my friend blog
my best friend and guess what~
She made it, the SCM player.
Gonna do it too.
Thank Farahim for the player.
view her at ( http://harafara.blogspot.com)

So, this is all now.
Thank You^^
and do visit more,okay~