!!it's me!!

My photo
'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Wednesday 30 April 2014

- The old days memories -

Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone.
How're you guys doing so far?


Today, there's no dbsk related just me, only me and my past.
The story began today at this second when I accidentally read my friend blogs.
It about her life and I kinda get to emotional and BAM! My head make me turn back the time when I'm still a student.

Of course I'm still student now but in different genre when in the past it the high school genre and now maybe I'll go to this form 6 or to college.

I had been this innocent human for these past 5 years.
This innocent here, I;m not talking about I'm a good girl but a VERY-STUPID-IN HER OWN WORLD -GIRL.
I could put that well, don't I.

My past is really dark I may say.
The school things really really really main dark past.
I have this bad relationship with teachers,friends and crap things that happen around me.
Don't get me wrong not bad in that vandalism, gangsterism or what so ever BUT with communication and thought, something like that.

Teachers, you could say they don't understand where my potential can go and they being a damn crap being a pushover with their so call teacher status. So yeah, go die!

Friends, some back-stab each other, I'm not saying I'm good but the back-stabber itself is someone you can't really imagine. She look innocent with those religious side and a quite person but only god knows how truly pain in the ass, she is.

I don't want to make this a wrong idea but making friend hurt with that attitude, I really want to see what kind of friend will be friend with her in the near future.!
Me, hell no. after school end, no more contact with that so call innocent life!

Get lost !! XD

During the college and university applied, I make a really stupid mistake thinking that I have done a good decision.
In this 'Matric' I think they call it in English,
I was a science stream student but science just don't click with me.
I'm more to this businessman lifestyle. So when I applied, I put the course which I have to put is '.science stream-' I change it into -accounting-
Thinking that I'll be selected because the grade for accounting much less to be accepted rather than the science one~~~ but to my other stupidity, the 'Matric' that I applied (the place) doesn't go with the
-accounting- thing ><

How crazy is that?
And now, here I am , with my blank mind .. I don't know where to go and I don't I can get chosen again because of my stupid action.
I just really don't know how things work back then T.T

I told my mother once back in the days:

If I'm not get selected in any of my choices, 
I'll start my own business but mother please patient with me cause I'm really really really really really really really really really really not good in anything I Do.
I'll experience losses but that's what I'll do if there's no chance for me to persuade my study further.
So bear with me because that's what I am and I'll try harder to achieve my goal.

I kinda felt jealous for my friends because they know what they do.
But me, I'm still collecting myself to turn into pieces.
In my life, I was never free like now.

I got this one friend who really I called my best-friend.
She's awesome and always help me when I needed her.
She's mature than me really fast and I thanked her for that.

Me myself, I'll work harder if I'm not going to study.
And of course, my brothers and sister will scold me for being a stupid person who just stuck at home.
Because I knew that I;m not this study kind of person.
Of course it really great to know other people and our mind will be more open but I think my business which I really want to make it happen if I don't study to become true.

So far, my life is chaotic.
I'm afraid to meet new people because I know, meeting them means I have to be strong for another chaotic life of mine.
Some things doesn't go well and that kind of things irritated me the most.
I hate people who controlled people and I hate when people not doing their jobs right.

but mostly,
I don't know what to do and this type of person, will be stupid forever.
I don't want to end up like that so I'll give myself a try and try harder to study and work.

Of course I'll let go of this painful past and so far I learned from it and with that I had made quite impression on myself since I can tolerate, knowing people with their side and yeah the craps goes on.

I'll keep moving forwards where there's so many things that I don't discover yet.

I'll fight until the end.

You can do it, Wani.
Always believe you can do it.

If there's a will, there's a way :))))
I love myself, so I'll try to explore myself more and be positive.
I love you, Wani. ^_____________^

And I want to thank my creator, Allah swt for opening my eyes, my mind and my heart to see, to feel to taste, to dream, to hope for a better life and myself.

To my mother who gave birth to me, thank you for always supporting me.
My father who know that I lack in so many ways but still he keep watching me grow to be one fine woman, that I'll be one day.

I'm still learning to be an independent, someone could be count on and less trouble.


Friday 18 April 2014

.. Proud of DBSK Love ..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello everyone,
Today, in this so hot weather I'm being an emoshinki T.T

Sorry guys but the reason behind this is make me cry like an insane person here.
I was bored of myself and opened up Youtube and I found this 'The Secret 091024'
I click on it and my emoshinki began here T.T

You can watch it here : The Secret 091024

It a story about how out five boys make until this far.
Our Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun , Changmin and Junsu.


'Do you know, everyone who in the industry of music and entertainment are so 'wow' with DBSK?'

I'm myself don't know until I watch that video.
Yeah, I know their name is really big and famous but when so many producers and composer are so look up to them I cried so much.

They all said :

- DBSK to make this far with their music is really 'wow' to me
- I think it because of their hard work and they are really easy going to get along with
- They are the people who love music and want to share musics with others who love their musics
- They have a big name in Korea and to have a big name in 'JAPAN' is really 'wow'
- I thought ' will they die like this?' , ' they never stop singing until 3-4 songs'

I always think that' it's okay for them to make mistake as they are also a human being, right?'
But after I watch that video and heard what people talked about them, that time I know :

' DBSK really work hard not to show their bad side , it's not because they don't want but because they think they will disappoint their fans, if they act like that :((

'they are the people who really love musics and they don't care for the popularity as they just want their music to be heard and love by all their fans :(' 

I cried so much , thinking that they always think about others than themselves and now when they are not together as one group anymore, really break my heart when the break up is not entirely their fault :(

' They have become an idol after 4 years building their name in Japan'

Can this sentences break me more T.T
They struggle for 4 years to make their musics being well-known for their fans.

- Tokyo Dome is their only dream -
* If they achieve Tokyo Dome, they can achieve everything 

Yes, Tokyo Dome.
Not some artist could performed there. I'm not telling that 'DBSK' is awesome since I'm their fans but please do searched more about them to know 'how they all can stand on that stage'

They came to Japan as a newbie singer not so famous singers they are right now.
They released many singles until 'Purple Line' swap the #1 in Oricon Chart .
*Oricon Chart in Japan are only for amazing singers like Beatles can be there.

They continued to work hard from the very beginning as they make tons of variety shows.
They keep moving forward until they stand on their dream stage 'Tokyo Dome' .

*Even though I'm a fans after their break up, watching how they performed on Tokyo Dome was absolutely amazing and Cassiopeia, I truly love you for making them who they are today.

To make to Tokyo Dome was really hard for Koreans singers as even Japanese singers themselves cannot do like DBSK do.

But today 'Tokyo Dome' had lost it shine. 

I'm so sorry for saying this (I'm really sorry for Japan citizens)  but after DBSK broke up, many of Korean groups performed there without any achievement.
Yes, some of them thanked DBSK for these but what happen to Tokyo Dome right now, I just lost of words.
And the nonsense keep on happening until I'm a Cassiopeia myself felt that :
-- > 'Tokyo Dome is only a stage for singers to make performance'

Tokyo Dome is not the Tokyo Dome that used to be once in the past.

'Do you know how many fans had left them after their break up?'

I know all of you is sick with this same goes to me but to know they easily left DBSK just broke my heart more.
But to think logically, is not their fault entirely as :
First from the Daum chart, DBSK had the most fans over 800 thousands people.
After the break up only left 600 thousands people and to think why the number decreased so much because (from my logically thinking) :

1- there only 2 members left as DBSK so who left the fanclub are MAYBE the JYJ biased.
2- they lumping lose their faith
3- go to the other group

I guess these are reasons.

Sometimes.. no..no.. every time I wondered how could they have stans?
I mean the stans before becoming one, they are Cassiopeia right?
But after the break up they being mad, nuts and crazy until Cassiopeia name itself, it really hard to hold not to mention the 'DBSK' also.

Seriously, Cassiopeia the OT5 fans are really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really amazing!

Let's look what Cassie had been through to protect the five :

First, they had to fight with the stans of course which also the sasaeng fans!
Second, they rich..even though they don't have much money yet they still buying their albums.
Not to mention, DBSK always #1 in the Gaon albums sales.
Third, they insane. They even got anti for themselves xD

But it's okay, as long as there are CASSIOPEIA, there are the five boys that we love so much :)

Some info about our fandom : TVXQ's Cassiopeia  also What is Cassiopeia?
*Only TVXQ Cassiopeia have their wiki for themselves.
Not to mention, Changmin give us this name ;)

'Do you know they already give up in the past?'

Do you all remember the 'Five in The Black Tour'?
They sang 'Proud' while they're crying.

That time they said they are almost giving up being a DBSK but after singing Proud and looking at their fans , they cried and all of their five heart spoke the same things ' let's go until the end'.

Guys, do you what happened if they giving up that time ??

We can never heard their musics,
We can never saw that smile,
We can never felt the happiness,
We can never felt the sadness,
We can never see they performance
Last but not least, we can never see and know the five of them.

I just cannot stop myself when remembering this painful feeling they had.
It's truly showed that they really had being through so much yet still they keep on smiling.

I just love them too much that sometime I think that they break up is never happen!
I know, I'm being delusional right now had to accept the past but to me they always remain in my heart.
Is this emoshinki attack again?

But seriously you need to see this video : DBSK Comment's on Proud
It look like I was there T.T


Proud English Translation :

Passing by at a quick pace
I wonder how much of a season had already gone?

Walking through the scenery I’ve become familiar with
Without being able to slip away
From these distant memories alone
It's like I completely lost my destination
That was the time when I met you

We met by chance along this road
Even now I can’t forget, ever since that day
Much of the sorrow and anxiety I held
Everything had been changed
Through the warmth of your memories
Proud of your love

Finding two shells
Is just like a miracle..
Meeting you once more

If you're here beside me
Even the depths of my heart
Would be comfortable with this gentle feeling
Even if violent rain falls down
And strong winds blow about

I'll go out to protect this love
If we're together we can surely overcome all
Could I have thought like that at first?
So I don’t let go of this hand
I'll always gaze carefully at time

We met by chance along this road
Even now I can’t forget, ever since that day
Things that live on, things that I believe in
While changing towards happiness,
We’d both walk along together
Proud of your love

Proud of your love..
Proud of your love..
Proud of your love..
Proud of your love..
Proud of your love..


Last but not least :

'Do you ever know they never ask for these?' 

- try ask them for yourself.

I know they want to be singers but I don't think they want to be this group who being looked up so far.

They start without nothing just to delivered their songs to their fans.

They don't know they will become this big.
They don't know they will met each other.
They don't know they will become 'DBSK' 
They don't know they will captured the hearts of many people.
They don't know they will hurt many hearts, shed many tears
They don't know they will had to endure so much
They don't know they will change someone live.
They don't know they will be loved by many.
They don't know they will be separated like this.
They don't know they will live like this until when.
They don't know when they will be coming back together.
They don't know when they will stand on one stage together.
They don't know when they will make their fans cried happiness together.
They don't know until when they will be together.


' They know they will work hard to give their best in everything they do' .

Before this emoshinki became worst, I just want to say :

I really really really want to thanks DBSK for making my life a truly meaningful one.

I felt pain when they broke up. 
I shed tears when the injustice happen to them. 
I felt hurt knowing they too are also humans that hurt by words.

Take note :

They are not perfect.
They shed tears, they can be hurt when someone leaving them, they cried if things goes too hard, they smile when they're happy because one thing, they are humans.

They are humans so I'm asking everyone who read my post to understand them.

They cannot just comeback as five. They need time to settle everything but the times they used might be forever as when something go smoothly , there's always obstacle coming their ways as they're humans like us.

But during those waiting, they showed us they still love each other.

They still 'always keep the faith' with us.
They still keeping and provide us with their songs even though they are not together.
They still keeping the 'red' .
They still hoping, hoping from that fateful day to come.

Thank you DBSK for you love,

I'll be waiting, hoping, praying for you,
I'm proud of your love.

'I keep Faith, don't Forget, We keep the Faith Eternally'

Tuesday 25 March 2014

!!SELLING OFF TVXQ Albums & Merchandises!!

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and hello to all tweet readers :)
I know for some who my loyal tweets really hate me for doing this but I have good reasonS to let this happen *peace*

Okay, my reasons are I love them and I want my collections to be in good care of you buyers :)
and I'm going to study since I pass my exam ^^ so before my beloved parents just throw these albums in the dumpster, yeah I want them save in your hands.

Seriously, I was insane this past few months thinking whether to let this go, but finally I know this has to be done :)

Desperately want to let go of these, so please buy more to get more discount (^,^)

So guys, enjoy shopping with TVXQ fun stuff *wink*

How to purchase :

Contact me via email (shinestar_shop@yahoo.com)
*Subject : Selling off stuff

or just leave comment below there *wink*

*The price is cheaper from my purchases. So if you still want to negotiate it, do tell me :)
*My price already include shipping cost.
*Provided Pos Laju serviced only.
*Albums + Merchs all in 'good+mint condition'/ detected means 2nd handed.
*If you're doubtful, don't purchase to avoid me scolding you.
*For Malaysian buyers only.

- Every purchase comes with FREE GIFT.


01- Mirotic (version D) - China press = RM80
02- *sold*
03- Mirotic (Version C) - Kor press = RM55
04- 'T' album - M'sia press = RM 40
05- Ocean (CD ver) + Yunho card - Jpn press = RM65
06- The Secret Code - Korea press = RM45 (case detected)
07- *sold*
08- *sold*
09- *sold*
10- *sold*
11- Xmas Gift - Kor press = RM45
12- Toki Wo Tomete (CD+DVD) - Jpn press = RM50
13- Break Out (CD+DVD) - Jpn press = RM50
14- 'O' Jung Ban Hap (Version D) - Kor press = RM60
15- *sold*
16- *sold*
17- In Heaven (Brown version) = RM70 + folded poster
18- In Heaven (Red Version) = RM 100 + poster in tube (sealed)
19- In Heaven Special Edition = RM120 + folded poster (Out Of Print)
20- Superstar (CD+DVD) - Jpn press + Yunho card = RM65
21- Keep Your Head Down (Special Edition) = RM70 + poster in tube/ RM60 (no poster)
22- Keep Your Head Down (Repackage) = RM60
23- Catch Me (Special Edition) = RM70
24- *sold*
25- The Beginning (Worldwide Concert in Seoul) = RM50


1st Live Tour 'Heart, Mind & Soul' - M'sia press = RM50
3rd Live Tour 'T' - Kor press = RM130
1st Asia Tour 'Rising Sun' - Kor press = RM40 (case got missing)

Solo :
*Kor press

- 'I' album = RM50
- 'Y' album = RM100 (my store -sealed) / RM170 (sealed, supplier) + poster in tube



01- Jaejoong 'Thanksgiving in Tokyo Dome postcard' - Jpn press = RM70
02- TVXQ I AM Postcard (Black version) (2 pieces) = RM20
03- TVXQ I AM Postcard (White version) (2 pieces) = RM30
04- TVXQ I AM Postcard SET (8 pieces) = RM50
05- TVXQ KYHD Folder = RM20
06- TVXQ Starcard = RM60 *request picture*
07- JYJ Tony Moly Calendar 2013 - Kor press = RM50 (I treasure this lumping calendar @@)
08- JYJ 2012 Calendar - Kor press = RM10

Photocards:  *request picture*

- Yunho 'catch me' special edition (white background) = RM50
- Yunho 'catch me' special edition (blue background) = RM40
- Changmin 'catch me' special edition (blue background) = RM30
- Changmin 'KYHD' (white background) = RM30

*Buy No. 1,2,3 - free No.4
01 - JJ Heaven postman DVD - M'sia press = RM20
02 - KYHD (CD) - M'sia press = RM20
03 - 3rd Asia Tour 'Mirotic' -M'sia press = RM30
04 - Paradise Ranch DVD - RM20
*free Live SBS featuring SJ and other artist.

Others artist :
*Kor Press

- Infinite 'L' Viewtiful Photobook (Part 1) = RM50
- After School (Red + Blue) + Kahi & Juyeon cards =RM80/ RM40 each
- Boyfriend 'I Yah ' Youngmin photocards = RM25
- BAP 'Live On Earth' Official Postcard = RM110 set / RM20 each *good material*
(all member available)

Most rare stuff in the picture is my collection :D
If want, can nego price with me.

Enjoy Shopping :)
Do request picture for clearer view.

Last but not least, to whom want to order TV5XQ new items , the email is the same :)
Just change the subject to : ready-stock

And those who still waiting for my reply, please be patient I just got internet right now.
Will reply them all ASAP.
Thank you everyone ^_^

Friday 28 February 2014

!!.. TVXQ Yunho 'November With Love' English Lyric Translation..!!

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello tooweet readers :)
Okay, I will cut all the crap things about whatI want to say here,
so Enjoy the wonderful lovely lyrics of Yunho :D
I can't stop crying with 2 reasons playing in my head.
Next time I'll show you all about what I think.


I erase you then draw you out again
Then I let you go, let you go in the wind
Where the wind blows, wherever that is, I can meet you
I know, my heart knows, it is wanting you

My heart that froze with the cold wind in early winter
It has changed after meeting you
Like the heart-fluttering first snow of November
I am stopped in time like a fool

I’m erasing you, erasing your memories somewhere
Where the wind blows, wherever that is, I can hear you
I know, my heart knows, where it wants you

My heart that froze with the cold wind in early winter
It has changed after meeting you
Like the heart-fluttering first snow of November
I am stopped in time like a fool

Don’t leave me, don’t leave me
From the place we used to cry and laugh
Don’t leave me (don’t leave)
Don’t leave me (don’t leave)
From the place we used to be together (from the place)

My heart that froze with the cold wind in early winter
It has changed after meeting you
Like the heart-fluttering first snow of November
I am stopped in time like a fool

My heart that froze with the cold wind in early winter
It can’t say anything else but I love you
Because of your words, I couldn’t speak or see
In the memories of November


I just really L.O.V.E the way he put the children part >_<
I love you, Yunho and btw, love your new hair.

Bye :)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

..!!Changmin 27th Birthday Spazz!!..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello to all my tooweet readers xD
Hihi before we go to our main topic, I just want you guys to take care of yourself okay :)
This perv person here had caught two ulcer below her tongue and it freaking lumping hurt >.<
and now was down in fever (hug me) xD

Ok-ok, so you all better drink plenty of water and yeah took some rest, don't overwork guys, it really dangerous. And it quite nice to rest and relieve from work stress right? ^^

Keke, done with my doctor thingy, let's go to our Minnie Wish :)

 18.02.1988 ~ 18.02.2014

Happy Birthday, Minnie ;)

So, Minnie already turn 27 years old this year according to the Chinese calendar and yeah 26 years old if normal counting. 
He's so old that it soooo REALLY dangerous for his evil and cute side xD
I just love this man, he's our hubby so guys let's not kill each other and love this man xD

Knowing TVXQ5 back in 2009 when I first watching Survivor music video, Minnie really caught my freaking eye-ball for being too God damn handsome in that video. But sadly, Jaema attract me too much with his beauty so I end up making Jaema my number 1 and Minnie number 2 (>_<)
But yeah, after searching all about five handsome guys over here and my first fanfiction was sooooo freaking lumping YunJae, and I know that time Jaema had being taken already xD
And Minnie always being their son so yeah He;s my number 1 since then ><

Gosh, this 5 guys really make my head spinning around.
Changmin is soooo really mature even at his age, don't you guys think so?

Okay, for me after seeing all their variety shows, concerts, fan-meeting, interviews and etc..etc , he's really mature at his age. I think maybe because he travel at young age and experience many kind of people around him and learn the hardship at this really young age, wow I'm so proud of him T.T

Can you imagine that he debut as DBSK5 at the age of 15 years old? freaking 15??? ><
and his hyung-deul at 17 years old @@
Two years later, he went to Japan to promote TVXQ5 ? 
He really had a strong physical and mental :))
But can you imagine, how long he had been a trainee at SME? 
wow, I'm really so proud of him (^_^) *hug you*

And guys, what did you do at the age of 15?
Our Changmin had taken a really REALLY big step in his life and look at him now~
He's being love by us and everyone around him. 

And do you all remember when he got passes to further his study in University?
He's really working very hard with that tight schedules as TVXQ, really wow me to the end.
But I think he dropped out right? because of their schedule I think but It's okay, he a genius so yeah he can anytime apply it again :)
Good luck, Changminnie ^^

And guys, don't you ever think that Changmin is really suit to be a model?
For me, hell my answer is lumping YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at that body? He'll be so perfect wearing anything casual but not that too heavy and crowded clothes.  I just don't like (not hate ok xD) seeing a freaking handsome guys wearing a clothes that have so many layers and dark color >< Fashion nowadays .sigh.

And don't forget the Wrong Number smirk *dies* 
He's just so freaking naughty that every time I watch Wrong Number live performance, I'll forever scream at those hot sexy smirk *.*

Can you guys imagine. Changmin walked the runway with that naughty smirk !!!!!!!
Please freaking call the ambulance @.@

Loo at that sexy leg and the awesome height (O.O)
Okay, don't want to get nosebleed so let's assume Changmin is perfect to be a model xD

Move on to our last topic for Minnie today is that his devil, mature, cute and ajdrnrfjhtgfjr side.. just so suit him that I want once in my life time to get bash by him xDD

I love the way he spoke native language during the interview , check this out xD

watch until the end, is so freaking hilarious xD

Kekeke don't forget when he craving for his fooooooooooood O.O
He turned to this sweet little cute devil when he's hungry and makes me happy.

Kani~ Kani ~ Kani xDD

Lat but not least, the awesome person we're talking today , love you.

before we finished our spazzing here, let's go through this cute picture of Minnie :D

Bonus xD

Yoochun : Min, is that you?
Changmin : ahhhhhhhhhhhh~~ no comment

Bye everyone and Changmin, Happy Birthday :))

Saturday 15 February 2014

..!! Having a one major step over !!..

Oh my Glob you guys, run a bump xD

Okay-okay, before we go to this one step closer topic,
Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello to all my readers, followers and aslo the passer-by ;)

Okay today topic is so off about TVXQ since it regarding myself actually.
Here it goes.

The story started a week ago after I had finished updating the YunJae evidence part 8.
After two days if I'm not mistaken, my mother and older sister (just 5 years older than me) had signed me up on this driving school academy (*_*)

Okay the story didn't go well actually since I'm being in my righteous mind to actually argues about going to that driving school thing.
I know you have to hear my main issues for arguing about this.

So yeah, they signed me up without consulting with me first and yes I'm 18 years old and I know what I'm doing right moreover running a shop.
I'm protesting not to go to that so called driving school by not eating. well actually I ate but just late at night because I don't want to see their face.
I know this sound silly but I just want to show them that I can make my own decision and I know what I'm doing the right thing.

So the reason for doing all this kind of lumping things is that my supplier which supply all kpop albums to me including TVXQ official albums and merchandise , really want to see me to discussed about some matters and moreover I have not seen her almost three months after I done my examination last year.

So yeah this a really great opportunity to settle some problem regarding items.

But hell always on my side, that freaking driving matters that I had to attend is the same date that I have to meet my supplier. what kind of lumping is this ><

Yeah, I do that-no-eating-stuff and I know I'm not going to win but at least I try right? xD
So yeah I ended up emailing my supplier regarding this matter and yeah she's being cool and told me that next week to have this talking matters. 
And I was so bless that night that I spend freaking my sleep time talking to her non-stop since she run a restaurant too (actually her parents run that but yeah she helped there too).

Yes, I went to that driving school and worst I have to meet this person which I have know her when I was 11 during tuition. She this 'popular girl' at school and not close enough to that but yeah I enjoy being with her that day since I found her not bad at all to be friend with.

And also I make few friend over there like Ilmi, sis Fati and Wani -lol she had the same name as me but she's just taking motorcycle license. 
Sis Fati n Ilmi took cars license only and yet me and Dira took both side.

I think me and Dira will struggle hard in this month xD

Wish me luck you guys , hope I can pass the motorcycle license fast and do the cars asap.
I don't want to keep postponing sending your items (my buyers) lately since recently, I got some order from my international buyers :)
I'm so proud of you guys and thank you so much for trusting me.
And also adding me at my facebook shop (K Fame Merch).
I hope I can make time in the future to further this online shop to blogspot.com shop.

And also not to forget to my dearest friend, cik Mai, Nora, Farahim and Nadz-chan ~ :)
Love you guys so much and thanks too for supporting to take this driving class.
You guys are so awesome and wish you all can take and pass your license and to Nadz-chan, I wish you to get married fast xD I want to attend your wedding. Still be friend 4 years without seeing each other face to face make me craving for you xD

So yeah the topic really suit this post right?
I have take one step over to go to that class and yeah I hope one step over to step my feet on university :)

Okay before ending my so called post here, to all who still interested in ordering this items, 
please contact me via email (shinestar_shop@yahoo.com) or message (K Fame Merch) and I'll reply as fast as I can.


Package order :
*Pre-order only for - Bonjour Paris/ Tree / JYJ Magazine Volume 3.
*poster in tube.
*Hide & Seek/Something' single = New Single *state (CD/CD+DVD/BigEast version)
*New Single - available until stock last. If finished - wait for pre-order.

Package 1 - KJJ 'WWW' + KJJ 'WWW' Repackage album
Package 2 - TVXQ 'Tense' album (Red + Black version) 
Package 3 - TVXQ New Single (CD) + (CD+DVD) version
Package 4 - KJJ 'WWW' + TVXQ 'Tense' (choose cover)
Package 5 - TVXQ 'Tense' (choose cover) + New Single (choose ver)
Package 6 - KJJ 'WWW' Repackage + TVXQ 'Tense' (choose cover)
Package 7 - KJJ 'WWW' + New Single (choose ver)
Package 8 - KJJ 'WWW' album + TVXQ 'Tense' (choose cover) + New Single (choose ver)

*Pre-order ends (28/02/2014)

Tree (Version A) - CD+DVD
Tree (Version B) - CD + DVD
Tree (Version C) - CD only
Tree (BigEast version) - have to wait a little longer
JYJ Magazine Volume 3 (JAEJOONG/YOOCHUN/JUNSU) - choose cover
BonJour Paris 2007 [Re-issue] 

Order form :
Name :
Address (full + postcode) :
No.phone :
Item Purchase(s) : 


If you all want to order mixed up like non list above, the price still can get discounted :)
If purchase 1 only, the price is original as most of the online web.

Okay, bye and I'll reply asap :)

Sunday 9 February 2014

!!YJ - JJ Give Out YJ Evidence Again!!xD -Part8

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, let me scream first xD

Okay2, I know that I'm too excited right now but who cares this YJ evidence that I want to show all of you guys the prrof that I just noticed recently after watching *facepalm*

Before we go to our so hot , so alluring and mirotic-ious YJ Evidence, 
Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello to all my YJ Shippers friend out there xD
*wave hands*

First of all guys, don't curse (too much) to this lovely author of yours.
I'm just doing and writing what I feel about our YJ but recently there this 'anonymous' aka a YJ anti keep mocking and commenting fack at my lovely blog about my YJ love and OT5 and my JYJ also my Homin.
Please Miss Anti, I don't give a fack at all about what you're thinking and I don't care ! (is that the same thing?) Whatever, so Miss Anti, if you're still keep on reading my awesome (awkward) blog, do accept this OH-SO-TRUE-OTP xD

Okay guys, enough with the bashing thingy and yeah, let;s go to our YJ LalalaLand.
OMG, I miss this word xD

[CR] - to the owner

Guys before we start this off, (I know you all is cursing me right now for YJevidence xD) let's give some clap to all the YJS fan-art out there, the amazing photo-edit is really awesome.
YJS is really talented when it come this two hot and gorgeous men here.

Okay, the first YJ evidence started when I recently re-watching 'Tohoshinki History In Japan' starting from them Volume 1 until Volume 4. Why I'm watching it again because the internet is being crazy.
Okay, to the main topic again.

And during the Volume 1 if I'm not mistaken, the 5 members had to go to different places which is one making jewelry and the other one is making glass (I don't know the name yo) and they form a team.

Jewelry team - Yunho/ Yoochun/ Changmin
Glass team - Jaejoong / Junsu

The Jewelry team make their hand-made jewelry same goes to the Glass team.
Jae glass is 'Love' shape you all xD

Okay, the evidence obviously can be seen here, let's watch this picture ><


Guys, let's scream together ><
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!
Holy freaking, Jaejoong what the?
This is why I love Jaejae so much xD

It just struck in my head you know that when I'm watching this , the shape remind me of something and then me search for this and BAM!
Here what you got.

But referring to Jaejoong pic, we know the ring of course one belong to him and the other one *cough* Yunho maybe? I think he just wanna show that they still together or what at that time or just this hormonal deprived Jae again.

*Sigh* I just had so many meaning behind this evidence but still I know we're human right so we need thing(s) to believe. 
But after doing some research of myself (should I be professor in the future? YJ professor? GAH! YJ drive me nuts) I think when Jae posted that, he still connected to Yunho.

Well, I assume 60% cause looking at the date of the posted pic is in 2012 right?
It's happen on TVXQ2 comeback Catch Me (24/9). The date is just 10-days away?

YJS, do you think it possible they meeting secretly or it just Jae just so freaking happy that his hubby making a comeback?
The date I just can't because he can upload the pic at any time he want right?

And don't forget the word he tweeted ><

'[TRANS] How do you think, it’s pretty, isn’t it?'

Of course , it's pretty jae >< It cost thousands xD
I think maybe they celebrate the late anniversary together *facepalm*
Well you know, meeting together then share kisses (i'm screwed) then Yun tell him that him and Changmin are making another comeback. 
He's being to excited and of course being a diva he actually is!

'Yunnie, let's get a couple right together? to celebrate our anni and your comeback.' smiled beautifully.
'anything you said Jae. Cartier?'
'of course Yunnie, we're wearing that since long time ago.'
'it show true love, hm, Jaejoongie?'

and they hug. (OMG, what did just I wrote ><)
Seriously, with all these deprived of YJ feels plus the awesome YJS authors that keep writing freaking good fics, innocent Jae, Greek God body Yun.. what else didn't make me in this kind of insane mind here ><

Well, my personal thinking is that Jae is really happy that time to wore and show right?
But guys, don't forget that Jae comeback album 'I' show that he's heartbroken which is in 2013.
I just can't bring myself to conclude all of these since after the evidence and until now, today (09/02/14) it seems that both of YunJae really quiet. Don't you think??

And bonus for who want to watch the full episode, click here :
1) HIJ1 [Full List] / HIJ1 Part 1

Personally, I kinda felt sad because the YunJae evidence on this 2014 just not much for me xD
Well, I probably think it true thought but have you guys watch 'Hello Counselor 2014' when TVXQ as the guest.

They talked about the dolls right and Yun said he bought this big doll and keep on talking to the doll when he felt lonely. And the MC keep teasing is the doll female/males >< 
Yunho face is so freaking hilarious when he stuttered to answer xD

The most epic is when Changmin said he played block xD OMG I cry that time laughing. LOL.

And it reminds me that Jae got this big black gozilla, giraffe and many more.

And Yun also said that he got this 100 story book of him that he keep his thought in it.
I really wish that time when the mc opened it, it says 'Jaejoongie I Love You so much' but instead 'what's wrong with changmin nowadays' xD

The small incident really not enough to me. but yeah who caresxD
P/S : Yunho is smoking hot when he acting in the line that YoungJa tell him to do. (I faint).

Okay2, I think this is enough for today so maybe in 3 days more I'm going to have another YJ evidence. So better stay tuned YJS xD

It already past Yunho birthday but yeah, still want to wish him a belated 29th birthday.
I just love this man. kekeke.

29th **1986 - 2014** 

Bonus ;)

[cr-to owner] it's epic xD

And those who want to order for :

*[Limited issue] - once sold out, no more re-print. especially C-Jes product*

- KIM JAEJOONG 'WWW' album [Limited issue] 
- KIM JAEJOONG 'WWW Repackage album' [Limited issue]
- TVXQ BonJour Paris 2007~ re-issue~ [Limited issue]
- JYJ Magazine Volume.3 [Limited issue] -choose cover-
- TVXQ Catch Me Production Note 
- TVXQ Tense album -choose cover-
- KIM JAEJOONG 'Y' album [Out of Print] -left 2 copy.

Can email me at (shinestar_shop@yahoo.com) with this form :

Add (full+postcode):
Item(s) purchase: 

*Open for all Malaysian and International buyers.
*Any question you can freely ask me through email.
*As for the shipping cost, it's free.
*Poster will be sent our in-tube.
*Items are all ready-stock.
*Reservation only for 3 DAYS to ensure your copy.

p/s: whoever order for JJ Repackage album the price is discounted to 30% less that actual price since I got many orders thanks to my awesome buyers who buy set for (JJ WWW+WWW Repackage).
So you can enjoy the less price for that and every purchase will always come with free gift.

Hihi, thank you guys and do visit my blog frequently :)
Bye-Bye (^____^)
See you all next time.

Monday 27 January 2014

!!~~TVXQ so 'TENSE' & JaeJoong 'Makeover' style~~!!

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghaaeyo and Hello everyone.
Once again, here you are with me dating with our so awesome boys~ xD *bricked*

So, without wasting our time, let's go hunting these 2 fabulous men-HoMin and oh so Diva-Jae ^^


Our TVXQ - Jung Yunho and Shim Changmin had release these freaking sexy and hot jazz song called 'SOMETHING' on 1st January 2014 and the album released on 6th January 2014 take notes for me.
I confuse with the date lol xD
I know most of you had grab these albums right?
Poor me, I still haven't purchase them (dies) I can't wait to get this hands on those awesome album ><
And don't forget that incredible songs.. oh my yunjae, it just sooooooooooo tense xDDD

The songs cover , I think xD

So let's go check out the songs list :

01) Ten (10 years)
02) Something
03) Your Man
04) Moonlight Fantasy
05) Beside
06) Double Trouble
07) Off-Road
08) Smoky Heart
09) Love Again
10) Steppin'
11) Rise
12) Always Be With You

And yes, the music video kick off with the 'SOMETHING' as the main song for the album release.
WATCH OUT !!! those 'SOMETHING' mv blind my eyes xD
Why Yunho.. you're so freaking hot @.@ and Changmin don't be so freaking cute with those devil sign , it kills me to the end and note, the b**** is everywhere in there xD so just ignore them!

The MV!!!!

And yeah, I love all the songs in this album but the songs that  personally attracted me the most are :

Your Man,  - yeah the lyrics make me blush >////<
Moonlight Fantasy, - so catchy and me love this type of genre ;)
Love Again, - the piano starting kills me ><
Rise - no more words to say, changmin really grew and learn a lot and this song send tears to my eyes~
Smoky Heart - the repeated word 'oneul' haha make me smile ;)
Beside - this song attracted me because after hearing the preview,it stuck in my head like 4 days i think ><
Something - it not just because it their main song but because this kinda of genre is the first time right for TVXQ and Yunho voice improve a lot, so a lot and Min, you're always my devil baby xDD

hihi and these other are the side that I also love ,okay ^^

Always Be With You - I know this song is for us and we also hear it on their 10th anni ,right but yeah it just okay-okay for me ^^
Steppin' - Off-Road - Double Trouble - Ten (10 years) -> it's okay-okay for me @.@

Seriously, I think I'll chock to death by Jaema for being so bitchy with the songs *savemehiro*

Okay, the albums preview and take note guys it come with 2 version, Red & Black.
Same like Catch Me album @.@ but bigger $$

[CR] : ebay seller :)

and yeah that all for TVXQ so Tense album *wink*

The song cover, I think :)

Our beautiful, sexy and freaking gorgeous diva once again make another smoking comeback for WWW repackage album with 'Erase Make-up/ Makeover'.

Even though the main is Makeover song but I think JJ done a very good job on making 'Heaven' since the lyrics just so painful T.T
Jae, just stop hurting please and don't forget it duet with Gummy but I PREFER  his only version ><
His voice make me cry :'(

Sorry, the picture so blur right ><  and she also on JJ Tour in Nagoya for special guest.
She's so lucky to sing with Jaejae and they also one company *bricked*
aish!! I really freaking want to meet this beautiful guy.

And the songs contain in the repackage album:

01) Heaven ft Gummy
02) Makeover

and number 3-15 is the same in WWW album.

I don't download yet the songs only hear it on Youtube so yeah, the Makeover song personally I don't see the lyrics @.@
I still don't have any comment yet so I think after the albums arrived I'll do the meaning, I think xD

and uys!!!!! Don't forget the album cover is just so alluring @.@

[CR] to the owner ^^

Look at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It like twice the WWW album , ohmyyunjae .. I got to have this smoking album ><

So yeah, these all the dating with me and auw JJ umma had turn 29 years old this years according to the Chinese Calendar  and he also will be enlisted in the army soon. I'll be waiting for you, Jaema :D


~26 JANUARY 2014~ 

I just love the cover picture of my blog O.O 

Seriously, it just like a non-stop releasing bombs starting December 2013 until this February 2014 because my list to buy albums and DVDs just keep on adding T.T and the Tense come with the repackage again $$

- Catch Me Production Note

- Tense albums
- WWW Repackage
- JJ Mine DVD
- TVXQ Tree Japanese full album
- Tense Repackage

Not to mention, hundreds of albums and DVDs still haven't being purchased ><

So, I make a list to buy albums and DVDs , so if you want do check this :)
If it me, I highlight the items I want to buy and mostly albums :)

So enjoy ^^

Thank you so much for dating with me today xDD
Anyeong and keep listening to Something and Heaven ^^