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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Sunday 9 February 2014

!!YJ - JJ Give Out YJ Evidence Again!!xD -Part8

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, let me scream first xD

Okay2, I know that I'm too excited right now but who cares this YJ evidence that I want to show all of you guys the prrof that I just noticed recently after watching *facepalm*

Before we go to our so hot , so alluring and mirotic-ious YJ Evidence, 
Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Hello to all my YJ Shippers friend out there xD
*wave hands*

First of all guys, don't curse (too much) to this lovely author of yours.
I'm just doing and writing what I feel about our YJ but recently there this 'anonymous' aka a YJ anti keep mocking and commenting fack at my lovely blog about my YJ love and OT5 and my JYJ also my Homin.
Please Miss Anti, I don't give a fack at all about what you're thinking and I don't care ! (is that the same thing?) Whatever, so Miss Anti, if you're still keep on reading my awesome (awkward) blog, do accept this OH-SO-TRUE-OTP xD

Okay guys, enough with the bashing thingy and yeah, let;s go to our YJ LalalaLand.
OMG, I miss this word xD

[CR] - to the owner

Guys before we start this off, (I know you all is cursing me right now for YJevidence xD) let's give some clap to all the YJS fan-art out there, the amazing photo-edit is really awesome.
YJS is really talented when it come this two hot and gorgeous men here.

Okay, the first YJ evidence started when I recently re-watching 'Tohoshinki History In Japan' starting from them Volume 1 until Volume 4. Why I'm watching it again because the internet is being crazy.
Okay, to the main topic again.

And during the Volume 1 if I'm not mistaken, the 5 members had to go to different places which is one making jewelry and the other one is making glass (I don't know the name yo) and they form a team.

Jewelry team - Yunho/ Yoochun/ Changmin
Glass team - Jaejoong / Junsu

The Jewelry team make their hand-made jewelry same goes to the Glass team.
Jae glass is 'Love' shape you all xD

Okay, the evidence obviously can be seen here, let's watch this picture ><


Guys, let's scream together ><
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!
Holy freaking, Jaejoong what the?
This is why I love Jaejae so much xD

It just struck in my head you know that when I'm watching this , the shape remind me of something and then me search for this and BAM!
Here what you got.

But referring to Jaejoong pic, we know the ring of course one belong to him and the other one *cough* Yunho maybe? I think he just wanna show that they still together or what at that time or just this hormonal deprived Jae again.

*Sigh* I just had so many meaning behind this evidence but still I know we're human right so we need thing(s) to believe. 
But after doing some research of myself (should I be professor in the future? YJ professor? GAH! YJ drive me nuts) I think when Jae posted that, he still connected to Yunho.

Well, I assume 60% cause looking at the date of the posted pic is in 2012 right?
It's happen on TVXQ2 comeback Catch Me (24/9). The date is just 10-days away?

YJS, do you think it possible they meeting secretly or it just Jae just so freaking happy that his hubby making a comeback?
The date I just can't because he can upload the pic at any time he want right?

And don't forget the word he tweeted ><

'[TRANS] How do you think, it’s pretty, isn’t it?'

Of course , it's pretty jae >< It cost thousands xD
I think maybe they celebrate the late anniversary together *facepalm*
Well you know, meeting together then share kisses (i'm screwed) then Yun tell him that him and Changmin are making another comeback. 
He's being to excited and of course being a diva he actually is!

'Yunnie, let's get a couple right together? to celebrate our anni and your comeback.' smiled beautifully.
'anything you said Jae. Cartier?'
'of course Yunnie, we're wearing that since long time ago.'
'it show true love, hm, Jaejoongie?'

and they hug. (OMG, what did just I wrote ><)
Seriously, with all these deprived of YJ feels plus the awesome YJS authors that keep writing freaking good fics, innocent Jae, Greek God body Yun.. what else didn't make me in this kind of insane mind here ><

Well, my personal thinking is that Jae is really happy that time to wore and show right?
But guys, don't forget that Jae comeback album 'I' show that he's heartbroken which is in 2013.
I just can't bring myself to conclude all of these since after the evidence and until now, today (09/02/14) it seems that both of YunJae really quiet. Don't you think??

And bonus for who want to watch the full episode, click here :
1) HIJ1 [Full List] / HIJ1 Part 1

Personally, I kinda felt sad because the YunJae evidence on this 2014 just not much for me xD
Well, I probably think it true thought but have you guys watch 'Hello Counselor 2014' when TVXQ as the guest.

They talked about the dolls right and Yun said he bought this big doll and keep on talking to the doll when he felt lonely. And the MC keep teasing is the doll female/males >< 
Yunho face is so freaking hilarious when he stuttered to answer xD

The most epic is when Changmin said he played block xD OMG I cry that time laughing. LOL.

And it reminds me that Jae got this big black gozilla, giraffe and many more.

And Yun also said that he got this 100 story book of him that he keep his thought in it.
I really wish that time when the mc opened it, it says 'Jaejoongie I Love You so much' but instead 'what's wrong with changmin nowadays' xD

The small incident really not enough to me. but yeah who caresxD
P/S : Yunho is smoking hot when he acting in the line that YoungJa tell him to do. (I faint).

Okay2, I think this is enough for today so maybe in 3 days more I'm going to have another YJ evidence. So better stay tuned YJS xD

It already past Yunho birthday but yeah, still want to wish him a belated 29th birthday.
I just love this man. kekeke.

29th **1986 - 2014** 

Bonus ;)

[cr-to owner] it's epic xD

And those who want to order for :

*[Limited issue] - once sold out, no more re-print. especially C-Jes product*

- KIM JAEJOONG 'WWW' album [Limited issue] 
- KIM JAEJOONG 'WWW Repackage album' [Limited issue]
- TVXQ BonJour Paris 2007~ re-issue~ [Limited issue]
- JYJ Magazine Volume.3 [Limited issue] -choose cover-
- TVXQ Catch Me Production Note 
- TVXQ Tense album -choose cover-
- KIM JAEJOONG 'Y' album [Out of Print] -left 2 copy.

Can email me at (shinestar_shop@yahoo.com) with this form :

Add (full+postcode):
Item(s) purchase: 

*Open for all Malaysian and International buyers.
*Any question you can freely ask me through email.
*As for the shipping cost, it's free.
*Poster will be sent our in-tube.
*Items are all ready-stock.
*Reservation only for 3 DAYS to ensure your copy.

p/s: whoever order for JJ Repackage album the price is discounted to 30% less that actual price since I got many orders thanks to my awesome buyers who buy set for (JJ WWW+WWW Repackage).
So you can enjoy the less price for that and every purchase will always come with free gift.

Hihi, thank you guys and do visit my blog frequently :)
Bye-Bye (^____^)
See you all next time.

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