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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Friday 6 December 2013

!!YJ - JJ Give Out YunJaeEvidence Again!!XD -Part7

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and hello to all my fellow readers :)

Today topic is really special as it definitely for YJ Shippers out there xD
Sorry guys, lots of problem happening and yeah just today got the chance to update my blog.

So, without wasting our time, let' go to OUR YJ LAND ---->

*i'm a little got hooking with ' LuvHolic ' song so.. listen to it then xDD


                      ~.~ YUNJAE ~.~ LALALAND ~.~


2 JUNG >< Jae you're o lucky xD

So, the story begin when I'm busying myself creating a picture of TVXQ 10th Anni and then busying myself which color to use, how big the text should be until.... I arrive myself at the text part.

Like which text to use, is it 'Georgia' or ' Arial black' and more.
Scrolling and scrolling with text to use then my YJS Eyes xD caught me off guard ><

I saw one of Jaejoong tattoos on the writing and what shocked me the most was the text just SO AWESOMELY YUNHO !!!!!!

You heard me! It's Yunho XD

Let' view this photo shall we *wink* :

Do you guys see it?
Ok, if not let me explain xD

I'm as always changing the text then when arrive at the 'Symbol' text .. I WAS SHOCKED AND LAUGH LIKE A MAD MAN.. eventhough I'm a girl *note that*

I was jumping and laugh like a mad man that I knew this one will be my new YJE *wink*
So yeah, if you want to try that out..you can first choose the 'paint program' then select 'symbol' then write 'YUNHO' name with the text xD

I just can't right now.. Jaejoong just so awesome eventhough  the symbol on Jae chest mean something but still.. it RELATED TO YUNHO XDD

I'm just so happy that yeah, I'm finding the meaning behind those 'Y' symbol on Jae chest~ 
So, here you go :


-->more of  'Y' meaning :

Psi (uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψGreekΨι Psi) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet and has a numeric value of 700. In both Classical and Modern Greek, the letter indicates the combination /ps/ (as in English word "lapse").
For Greek loanwords in Latin and modern languages with Latin alphabets, psi is usually transliterated as "ps". In English, the letter is pronounced /ˈs/or sometimes /ˈps/. (In Greek, it was pronounced [ˈpsiː].)
The letter is a Greek innovation and not derived from the Phoenician alphabet. It appears in the 7th century BC, expressing /ps/ in the Eastern alphabets, but /kʰ/ in the Western alphabets (the sound expressed by Χ in the Eastern alphabets). In writing, the early letter appears in an angular shape (Greek Psi straight.svg). There were early graphical variants that omitted the stem ("chickenfoot-shaped psi" as: Greek Psi V-shaped.svg or Greek Chi 05.svg).
The Western letter (expressing /kʰ/, later /x/) was adopted into the Old Italic alphabets, and its shape is also continued into the Algiz rune of the Elder Futhark. The classical Greek letter was adopted into the early Cyrillic alphabet as "Ѱ".


Seriously, after reading this it not so JAEJOONG @.@
This symbol is use in physics, mathematics even planet Neptune??

Or is it me who missing something out here?

I assume that Jaejoong just want to tell us who he belong too, eh? xD
and I found another information :

--> PSI 'Y'

Intro :
 ' According to Plato and Aristotle each symbol have meanings of «sounds, visuals, human behavior, and weather conditions», and every symbol character has an abbreviated meaning.'

'Visually symbol Ψ resembles symbol Φ the only difference symbol Ψ as lantern has no top cover, as a result the flame to go out on a breeze or wind sounding (fss), like the soul (=ψυχή) goes out of the mouth of a dying. Words with escaping meaning. '


So, until now I think it just a symbol which use in physics, math and also planet Neptune.
If you guys found anything about this, inform me ya :)

The symbol 'psi' is the 23rd letter in Greek alphabet but 'Y' is the 25th letter in american alphabet? 
23rd? is there something special that day in TVXQ life or Jae life even Yunho life?

I'll try harder finding this symbol meaning. 

So let's assume first that, this 'psi' symbol is Kim Jaejoong still own by Jung Yunho xD.

Until then, YJEvidence is still to be reveal. Stay Tuned :D

Bye guys. Hope you all enjoy this post.^^ 

we know JAE... we know xD

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