!!it's me!!

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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Friday 8 February 2013

..!!YunJae Sweet Birthday Day!!..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and Olla, my cheesy readers XD
Okay, I know you mad really really mad at me cause not updating on Jaema birthday, Yunpa birthday even on YunJae birthday...
I'm really sorry *bow*
Okay, well, as a high school student (don't laugh or shock with my age :3) my first exam have ended and I'm really sure that I'm gonna failed one subject and yeah maybe some of you will say
'why you so sure'
'why you said that?'

because I really can't go that subject!
hihiihi.. done with the explosion, so let's go to our world, shall we *wink*

Do you love the picture, I love so much~
So beautiful like always..
thank you so much for the owner who made this aka YunJaeShipper. *thumbs up*

Okay.. I know you all so excited right for' YunJae Sweet Birthday' so let's start! XD

I have prepare some sweet lively speech to our YunJae , stay tune :)
Let's Start with Jaejoong first since his birthday come first *wink*

Aish , this man over here, so beautiful~ *O*
Who's agree with me, eat whatever thing you can reach! XD

To: Our Lovely Jaejoongie

Hai Jaejae,
You're already 27 years old this year,
You're old now Jaejoongie xD
Just kidding , hiihihi~
Jaejoongie, one thing I love about you is Your smile actually
I admit that I fall for you after my first time watching you in Survivor MV
You so shiny in there *wink*

How fast time flew it already 4 years I become a Cassiopeia with 'w' 
as always written in my heart
Thank you so much ,Jaejoongie for letting me know who TVXQ are
I'm become a Cassiopeia who support 5 of you because of you

Thank you so much for letting me meet my twins
maybe my other half Cassiopeia who same mind as me
and before I forget we're YunJaeShiiper, YooSuShipper and MinFoodShipper

Kim Jaejoong,
don't always be so kind to other people 
in the end you're the one who will get hurt the most more than the person themselves
They all so selfish to think only about their life
And I hope you always smile no matter how hard your life could be
because after 2009, there's no more an innocent smile plastered on your face because you lost two pearl who always stay by your side no matter what~
I'm sorry Jaejoongie, each time I see your smile.. it always show sadness in your eyes
- the eyes can't lies -

Lastly Jaejoongie,
Happy Bornday and may God bless you in your life 
with your beloved family, awesome friends and dear Cassiopeia :)

To : Our kind-hearted Yunho

Our Yunho-yah~
It been 9 years nae you have been a Leader to TVXQ!
It must be hard nae doing it alone but it's okay Minnie is there to help you

I fall in love with you while watching Wrong Number MV
ahhhh, why you're handsome 
no wonder Jaema fanning like fangurl watching you XD
and I know , you love a lot the attention Jaema give you *thumbs up*

please always stay strong no matter what happen
cause patients is virtue
the truth will come out someday and with that You free as a bird!

Yunho- yah~
Thank you for making TVXQ still here
for making TVXQ not vanished in kpop fans list
for making TVXQ spread world wide
for making TVXQ knew by every people in this kpop world

Thank you so much, Yunho-ahh
Happy Bornday and may God bless you
with the love of your caring family, loyal friends and dear Cassiopeia :)

Okay guys, what do you think.. my mind is crazy off since I catch a fever!
Yeah, the fever catch me XD

Okay, for the awesome YunJae Day :D

I know, Yunho .. you're to happy XD

   !IT'S YUNJAE DAY! (5-02-2013)

For YunJae awesome day,
Aish too much things going through my mind!

For all YunJaeShipper, my wish is I want Jaejoong to get married with Jung Yunho no matter what,
I want him to be Mrs.Jung no matter what,
I want to shut all the (pardon my language) bitch who bitching themselves on Yunho,
I want to vanished the 'YiJae couple thing' - stans nonsense as always-.
And I want to take both of them into the world that only us,Yunho and Jaejoong exist!

Maybe it sound really impossible but if God willing me to study at Korea, 
I will stalker them 24/7 except when they fly to Japan and so on.
and Yeah.. build an island only for both of them is not impossible because we're Cassiopeia
like Jaejoong said ' Cassiopeia, show us that you're undefeated '
What more stans want from us!

<sorry for the explode>

These are my wish >.<
I just can't believe that most of Jaejoong stans, make YJDay as my worst day ever!
I know all of you love Jaejoong too much until you make the 'YJ' initial to -> YiJae??


SERIOUSLY MOST JAEJOONG STANS, is the most retard, brainless, dumbest, stupid, bitches and hell they just don't want to admit the truth!

So sorry to say this but your attitude just show me who you all really are!
And I don't think you just disappointed YJS but also Jaejoong!
How would he react if you just bang Yunho, someone who he live and stay before he debut as a artist with Yunho!

Just seriously, if you really want him to be STRAIGHT or GAY WITH YIHAN!
Please think trillion trice!
You all really hopeless, I should say!

And you're all are truly funny when one of you said Jaejoong go out yesterday and bang some girl with his personality.. 
Seriously, do you think Jaejoong is that kind of person who flirt with some girl???? 
OMG, just please don't say us (YJS) delusional because seriously and truthfully YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DELUSIONAL RIGHT NOW!

And one more thing, Jaejoong would be more disappoited to have a fan like you!
Please just stop the fan-war thing cause YunJae is undefeated!
People like you was the worse human to be friend and trusted!


= Okay for over all, I just want all YJS happy with YunJae Destiny Day =
~ 04/02 meet 06/02 = 05/02 ~
= The most beautiful date and day ever only to YJS = 

That's all I got to say today on this post ~
More complaining right~
Sorry my readers , it just to over for me!

Okay, bye see you soon for our MinFood aka my Husband Birthday XD

p/s : JaeJae is online during the trending of Yunho Birthday on Twitter XD
Aish, Jaema , I know you want to hear :

'Mrs Jung, hubby birthday'
'Happy Birthday to one and only Mr Jung Yunho aka Jaejoong Belonging'
'Jaejoong, you're so lucky to have him'
'Yunho, please married Jaejoong'
'Jaejoong, Yunho is so handsome'
'Jaejoong, Yunniebear Birthday'

and so on ><...
And me just laugh to hard when the @bornfreeonekiss when they trending it :D
Okay, bye you all :)

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