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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Friday 23 March 2012

..news for all what happen to JYJ+HoMin = TVXQ!!..

Assalamualaikum, Anyeong, Konichiwa and Hello..
it the owner-shii again
well, as a Cassiopeia, many things had happened to our oppa.
really many many things had happened~

let's start with  the first news is~
1) Changmin's Halmoni passed away on 11/03/2012
-it really shocking to me since he's on the TONE Tour.
 kinda felt sad

and the second news is~
2) JYJ got struck by Saesang Fan( which i had mention before in my past post)
- it really horrible i should say when JYJ didn't do anything wrong 
  but this crazy Saesang just really want a Bulls***, to describe this situation.
  because of them make TVXQ,mostly JYJ go insane, Jaejoong just can't take it anymore, 
  Jaejoong just hit one of them but they just can't get enough and
  they just hit themselves to make Jaejoong the victim here since, Jaejoong is drunk that time!

 and i just like, oh come on, Saesang!!

the third news is ~
3)Yoochun's father passed away on 14/03/2012
 - this is really really make my heart stop beating when i read this news!!
 so many source that said, Yoochun father died cause of chronic disease. 
 but to me it sound pretty suspicious. let's just go on with it! and you see Yoochun became this quiet person all of a sudden and Yoochum omma, didn't go out from her house, well, it her husband, you can feel right, when the person you love, left you! it tore your hear apart! please be strong, Yoochun omma~ 
yeah, you can say both of them suffering cause for Yoochun, he didn't get the last chance to see his father~

the forth news is~ 
4) Jaejoong got IV Treatment cause he had low blood pressure if he get this treatment.
 -it dangerous, you know! low blood pressure!! please be strong, and well, he's crying the whole funeral meanwhile Yoochun omma, still trauma.

well, since this happen Yoochun and Yoohwan cut their presence on tv. and Junsu just keep on worried about two of them. really, they have been trough a lot!

the fifth news is~
5) JYJ sue the dispatch for creating fuss about the Saesang fan.
 - well, as you can see here! their company the C-JES Entertainment can't stand over this saesang and  decided to take action on them since many of sources keep blaming JYJ for this!
JYJ too, felt the same and now it the court thing again.i don't want to put the proof video of the saesang making Jaejoong the victim cause it will make my blog ugly. so, if you want the evidence, just talk to me at my FB account^^

the sixth news is~
6) Yoochun return again to the set filming of ROOFTOP PRINCE!
-yeah, i just, hwaiting oppa. you can do it. he's the type who took responsibility of his action. now the drama keep on going and my heart just, please hurry up! can't wait for the 3 episode since i watch it online at the same time when it air on (www.ionair.tv) this web, should i say, buffering to much. so, you can all watch the full episode when it full and with English subtitle, okay^^

the seventh news is~
7) Jaejoong is BACK!
-this news make me happy. on top of the world. but in his sentence,
he said that he disappointed with himself cause he had disappoint his beloved fans for becoming like this.
he said, he will cheer up again and once again he thanks his beloved fans who always there by his side^^.
crazy smiling to myself when i read this on his twitter. but he never reply my tweet~ kinda disappointed to but he do that to make sure i'm not in trouble,huh! hehe, imagine he replied my tweet. i will love him more^^

and yeah!!! this all the news i want to share. but one thing that make me curious is TVXQ(HoMin). they shut up after the halmoni but the halmoni thing never being mantion in other news,right. so i could say! it Cassiopeia who know this news^^ DAEBAK,Cassie^_^ and eyah, they might be busy with the TONE~
JYJ and HoMin,Hwaiting!
TVXQ, hwaiting!

that all for today, let's all cheer up,okay^^
Assalamualaikum, anyeong, Sayonara and Byebye~


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