Check this out->
when i see this video i know how much Yunho LOVE Jaejoong and Jaejoong LOVE Yunho!
I think they shouldn't be like this~me as a Cassiopeia fell terrible the whole time i watch this video..I really think that people really cruel towards them..
As a Cassiopeia..i want to share this meaningful video with you..see how much Yunho LOVE Jaejoong~
heheheheeh^^Do you all like it..i really shock when Jaejoong say this things~make me WOAH..isi t true~
Changmin almost fainted when Jaejoong confessed this!!
but I want to tell all Cassiopeia that NEVER EVER lose your FAITH towards them~
i'm almost but when i remember what the all said(DBSK) Always Keep The Faith~why couldn't we i mean us~
sorry about that!!to emotional..then..i want to share this funny video about Xiah Junsu..
Check it out below~>
The most i LOVE is the wrote below~
wrote by~>matsujunbride!!
Enjoy my readers/Cassiopeia^^
Junsu : *try to catch up with the vocals*
TVXQ : *still singing harmoniously*
Junsu : *still try to catch up*
TVXQ : *almost done singing*
Junsu : *unable to catch up*
TVXQ : *done singing*
Junsu : *fed-up* Bam-Massa!
Yoochun : WTF???