!!it's me!!

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'Hardcore YunJae shipper, OT5 biased & love my family so much'

Thursday 26 December 2013

~~~!! Happy 10th Anniversary, TVfXQ, Rising Gods From The East !!~~~

OMHEEEE, I'm so freaking happy xD

Before we started off our so-called-fangurling,
Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo , Ola, Bonjour, NiHao, Sawadikap, Konichiwa & Hello everyone :D

Oh my, I'm feeling so energetic today xDD
First of all :



Hihihihi, so my story started when yesterday, wake up in the morning and got yelled by that so-always-right brother of mine. Seriously, I wish he died actually than torturing with his always-right-word. *bastard*

Okay, after that really cruel fate of mine, I wrote something right on this blog aka my post yesterday.
Then move on to me go to town bank-in the money and yeah picking up JJ WWW albums so yeah gonna ship them all out this Sunday, IF that b*tch died. xDD

And yeah after done all, finally arrived at home at 6pm if not mistaken and then longing up,giving tracking number then TVfXQ I'M HELL YEAH COMING TO EAT YOU ALL XD

p/s : sorry, yesterday was like a crap day for me >< just wanna let it out xD

Then, after longing, reading Cassie post, update price/tracking number/called supplier*getscold*, eating then yeah that time almost like 10:50PM and something hit me on the head that !!!

'Oh my YJ >___< TVXQ is treading right.. what the hell I forget this'

So quickly longing on Twitter and yeah the trending had started and I was like 3 or maybe 5 second behind.
Yeah, our trending always for the OT5, so yeah we use this one :  #동방신기와10년

Seriously, like 20 minutes trending there like still no sign our '#동방신기와10년' can be seen on the Worldwide trend but after keep trying and trying. 
Yeah, we're NO.2 on the Worldwide *ohsnap*

but, most of the Asia, we're no.1 eh xDD

Yeah, then me go to sleep but next morning, wake up with those postman bringing another box of JJ album so yeah and my TVXQ Merry Very Christmas album (BigEast Ver.) + Winter Rose/Duet album (CD ver) arrived at me homey ^_^ *heartattack*

Seriously guys, you should by Merry Very Christmas album, it so freaking cute >< *next time me show don't unsealed yet^^*

okay, then longing again in twitter MY FREAKING EYES SAW TVXQ new teaser 7th album O_O
For real?? you got to be kidding me right?
Watching like crazy bastard smiling like a freaking madman.. yeah spot this awesome evidence xD

p/s : minnie hair same as mine -LOL- i cut 2days ago on my own >.<

Seriously, both picture ...ahhhhhhhhh I CAN XD NO.MORE.WORD.TO.SAY.

But after the whole teaser like couple of time yeah I could say with all those tattoo style so like JJ WWW album and those English girl that so clingy on them just like Junsu Incredible right? 

I love them and can't wait for this 7th album 'Tense' to be out ;)
And I hope too JYJ releasing new album right for this 10th anni, it would be freaking awesome >_<

And yeah another Jaema being obvious again ^^

Huhuhu, Jae must be missing those two hmmm~

I don't understand much but what I could translate that :

JJ : Junsu, I love you and Congratulation of 10 debut.
JS: Hyung
JS: (i blankxD)
JS: I love you too
JS: from now, 10th anni debut ...... (me lost) but maybe he said he will work hard,right?
JJ: (blank)-- i think he want to eat go to eat together like gathering.. yeah..

Hihihi.. seriously I failed this xDD
So yeah.. we know Jaema and we love you too :)

And through this 10 years of TVfXQ, the 5 people who make me inspire and experience sad, happiness, joy,crazy thing and the most beautiful music that I heard,
I want to say that, I really really love you all 5, with all my heart :)
I met you when I was 13, 2009 the year where everything starting to fall out,
I met you because of this one awesome person who introduce me to you five,
My truly bestfriend until now but I don't if she still want to be friend with me because we both make mistake and that mistake like making us falling apart,
I truly love her like my family but I'm so afraid someday she stopped everything that we built from 2009 - 2013. I love you , Farahim.. let's stay forever together T.T I really do love you.
I'm so sorry for being like that, threating you like that I'm regreting everything.

I really want to show the world who is my bestfriend is :)
I don't mind if you keep making the same mistake or even hurt me in the end because I know I'll always love you no matter who you because we start together from zero right? ^^

To my TVfXQ, I learn a lot from you, when I'm in this difficult situation with my Farahim you know the feelin of being betrayed but when I keep finding the truth she has her own reason for doing that to me and to all the one she knew because, from my opinion.. looking at your fingers they are all not same right so do in this life, everything not same but if we together and keeping the differences away, we always stay here together.

I learn again the feeling of hurt. I lost my brother when I was 8 years old. I don't know how to cry.
But when I met you.. I cry like hell , like idiot begging in front of the laptop to make you stayed.
I was so hurt that one of my brother said everything comes and goes. It a lie cycle. 
I'm still hurt from that feelin because I always thought you will always be together.

Do you know, when I went to school everyone like comparing that their idol still together and singing together and I was there , I can't say anything to make you the best of all because I knew it so useless to do so and I just cry silently at home.
Hormones teenagers screwed me big time that awful and painful time.
Then with those sad tear that came out from my freaking eyes, I listen to your song.
I always lighten me up till now. Thank You :) 
Geez, I'm crying like a freak now xD

I learnt a lot again that many of my schoolmate said I created happiness and laugh when I'm with them.
Seriously, I don't know what they mean but I take it as compliment.
We teased each other a lot and the krik-krik sound when no one responding to anything happen at the moment was epic hilarious xD We will burst laughing so hard.
Now I know the meaning of happiness the joy that we share with everyone around :)

Not to mention, the heart-breaking moment or you could say hurt right, whatever.
It always heart-breaking when the teachers stopped supporting us.
Not showing interest in helping us in study because the thought we are too good enough to study alone.
Seriously, this kind of attitude really broke my heart and with the argument happen between friend, family and outsiders really make me hate meeting new people.
You know like a brat who always right and seek someone fault.
Seriously and totally those kind of behavior should put them aside.
I experienced these kind of **** everyday at house(uknow who I mean right) and school.

But to me, I think it makes me more mature in the thinking ways.
You know we can easily judge someone from the way he/she talked. It kinda cool right ;D

And last but not least, I learnt the true meaning of Family :)
I have my family of course, my friends also my family , my TVfXQ also my family and Cassiopeia also my family.
This true value of being in family was something unusual.
You know when we love starting to love someone who don't even see us but still know that we are there.
My family yeah, our unforgettable Red Ocean, legend eh should I say ^_^

And tonight, I'm live streaming for TVXQ 10th Anniversary Yunho and Changmin.
First song Maximum then I Don't Know (Kor ver.) and they doing some talk now. :)

Can hear, Yunho said :  We are ??? 
Cassiopeia :  T ~~~~~~~~

awesome right :)

They continue with ' Here I Stand '  follow by 'Dream'.
Both are cheerful song eh ^^

I know, I'm freaking doing a live update now... what the heck it my blog.. I can do whatever I want xD

VCR is showing right now, it include baby photos of them and their dream when they kids, so cute right :)
Even though I don't much about what they said but Yunho words so soothing and calm make me felt loved and I know he said something regarding to keep on stronger ,right?

Their OT5 song ' Silent Night Holy Night' being sang. An acapella version from Yunho and Changmin.
Followed by 'Sleight Ride' and now they talk again. :)
Yunho said during the talked that this is the first they sang the Sleight Ride song.

The Outfit.

The Outfit.

They sang ' My Little Princess' now.. huhuh how I miss those song *singtogether*
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' It's continue with 'Midhoyo' song TT__TT
My heart is breaking now. The fans sing along while chanting their name :((
It's so painful to hear T.T

'Always Beside You' new song of TVXQ being sang and introduce :)
So catchy and cheerful^^ and continue with 'Balloons'
All time favorite song ^__________^

VCR again. The VCR taking longer and -
Continue with 'Keep Your Head Down' and Rising Sun mix version. can't wait for the fancam. ><
I can't stop screaming *aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

Oh my the fans are so loud and gosh it must be so awesome there !!! @@
Yunho talked.

'Catch Me' now. *singalong*
Seriously, I'm going crazy right now *ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*
The heat and the scream, I can't ><

Oh my, it 'INSA' instrumental starting. VCR video showing.

'Unforgettable' song being sang right now *dies*
continue with 'Always There medley ver.

hihi, 'How Are You' is on now^^

They talked again,LOL.
And there is MC too and Yunho at the backtae preparing for his solo performance.
New song coming ;) 
Bring it on ,JUNG >< *le'ts spice up xD*

OH MY .. IT ROCK SONG O________________________O
JUNG, seriously? did Jae ride you again last night???
-The song name --> santa revolution-

Changmin special solo turn to troll eh xDD
'Wild Horse' sang by Minnie.
Wearing horse kinda outfit  *fandom troll*

VCR and ' We Are' song is turning it tunes ;)

TVXQ : We Are?
Cassiopeia : T~~~~

'Ocean' now ;)
Ooga Jaka Olla, give me beatsssssssssss ~~~~~~~~
Oh my, me dancing like crazy over here xDDD
Together with Cassie, turn the heat up *.*

'Somebody To Love' ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. JUMP JUMP~~~~
Felt like in 2009 Tokyo Dome *thumbs up* 

Yunho talked again.
Yunho : is it fun?
Cass: yes!!!!! *scream*

->(talking about the Nissan Stadium)

'Magic Castle' sang in the hall :)

They are chanting TVXQ name in Korea now.
Oh my, what a wonderful feeling I felt but it will be more daebak if it 5 ,right?
They all are asking for Encore and they also sang Hug,Cassiopeia.
You're really something.

'Hug' being played, yeay !!!
I Swear I cried ><
They sang birthday song for them :)

'Thank To' T___________________________T
I cried right now and don't freaking tease my emoshinki now ><

They finished their 10th anni night with VCR .

and the RED OCEAN  for today (26/12/2013) of course :)

----------------------------------------- (^__^)----------------------------------------------------------

So, hear are some of the update ;)

*click on the picture to Larger size*

Through this picture, you can see many of the fearful and unforgettable words by them :)
I hope you all like it and my hand it crapping writing and updating for almost 10 hours @.@

So, before I'm signing up.
Some fans spotted Jaema at Moldir Year End Party.
Seem Jaema celebrate it at those party eh and Suie celebrate it with his family ;)
and a for Chunnie, don't really know TT__TT

This is all for today :)
Thank you so much for reading this so looooooooooooong post of mine xDD





Wednesday 25 December 2013

!! 1-Day more to go before the Anniversary of 10 years!!

Assalamualaikum, anyeonghasaeyo and Ola minna ;)

It's exactly 1 more day to go for us and our beloved TV5XQ to celebrate the 10 years of their debut and also our true-self for being a true Cassiopeia for 5 of them.

I felt so proud of myself because even though I started to love them after their separation as one group but I'm still here supporting and loving the 5 of them.

And I know,whoever read my post here I know there always be a true Cassiopeia, fans who love Yunho and Changmin and also who love Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun.

It's okay for you to love whoever you want, but I hope you keep supporting them all,okay?
Can you do that?
Let's keep our promise *pinky finger*
I love all of you who supporting whether 5,2 or 3 of them because you're my cassiopeia in my heart :)

Let's keep supporting and loving them,okay.
Let's show them and mostly our beloved Jaejoong.

He's going to army next year for 1.5 year in 2014 until 2015/2016
It's really really really long time for him to go and he cried in his latest concert in OSAKA whether we will be here for them or not.

You know how our heart will change since we will chase the star, the rising one.
That make Jaejoong cried and be in painful state.
ONE example that easy to show is when the 5 of them separated.

The 'DAUM' cafe which listed the numbers of official members for TVXQ decreases from 800 hundred thousand Cassiopeia to 600 hundred thousands.
The shocking lost also broke my heart.
How can you do this?
But it's okay, it your choice to be in what fandom you want.
But the disappointment feeling from 5 of them, only God know how painful there are.

So everyone, my beloved readers.. let's keep supporting and loving them,okay?
You don't know how much it would meant for them neither to all of us.
The 'red' color will forever plastered in their heart, Yunho,Jaejoong,Yoochun,Changmin and Junsu.

And I hope when we go to concert, let's light up the RED OCEAN even if they are not together because you know when we do that, we give another shelter to Our beloved boys, the red and faithful feeling.
Let's always welcome them with 'red' okay?
Let's make them feel at home and let's show that we are ONE.
Even though we know it hard to accept each other but let's show in front them that we can be ONE  for them.

I love you my dear fellow friends, my OT5, my OT3 or OT2 :D
Let's be ONE for eternally.
Let's stand by them forever.

It's never a goodbye because of them we're here loving them.
They are the reason why we here as Cassiopeia, as Homin fans and also JYJ fans.
If five of them didn't exist, ARE WE STILL HERE TODAY?

Let's show them how we really do love them.

Friday 6 December 2013

!!YJ - JJ Give Out YunJaeEvidence Again!!XD -Part7

Assalamualaikum, Anyeonghasaeyo and hello to all my fellow readers :)

Today topic is really special as it definitely for YJ Shippers out there xD
Sorry guys, lots of problem happening and yeah just today got the chance to update my blog.

So, without wasting our time, let' go to OUR YJ LAND ---->

*i'm a little got hooking with ' LuvHolic ' song so.. listen to it then xDD


                      ~.~ YUNJAE ~.~ LALALAND ~.~


2 JUNG >< Jae you're o lucky xD

So, the story begin when I'm busying myself creating a picture of TVXQ 10th Anni and then busying myself which color to use, how big the text should be until.... I arrive myself at the text part.

Like which text to use, is it 'Georgia' or ' Arial black' and more.
Scrolling and scrolling with text to use then my YJS Eyes xD caught me off guard ><

I saw one of Jaejoong tattoos on the writing and what shocked me the most was the text just SO AWESOMELY YUNHO !!!!!!

You heard me! It's Yunho XD

Let' view this photo shall we *wink* :

Do you guys see it?
Ok, if not let me explain xD

I'm as always changing the text then when arrive at the 'Symbol' text .. I WAS SHOCKED AND LAUGH LIKE A MAD MAN.. eventhough I'm a girl *note that*

I was jumping and laugh like a mad man that I knew this one will be my new YJE *wink*
So yeah, if you want to try that out..you can first choose the 'paint program' then select 'symbol' then write 'YUNHO' name with the text xD

I just can't right now.. Jaejoong just so awesome eventhough  the symbol on Jae chest mean something but still.. it RELATED TO YUNHO XDD

I'm just so happy that yeah, I'm finding the meaning behind those 'Y' symbol on Jae chest~ 
So, here you go :


-->more of  'Y' meaning :

Psi (uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψGreekΨι Psi) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet and has a numeric value of 700. In both Classical and Modern Greek, the letter indicates the combination /ps/ (as in English word "lapse").
For Greek loanwords in Latin and modern languages with Latin alphabets, psi is usually transliterated as "ps". In English, the letter is pronounced /ˈs/or sometimes /ˈps/. (In Greek, it was pronounced [ˈpsiː].)
The letter is a Greek innovation and not derived from the Phoenician alphabet. It appears in the 7th century BC, expressing /ps/ in the Eastern alphabets, but /kʰ/ in the Western alphabets (the sound expressed by Χ in the Eastern alphabets). In writing, the early letter appears in an angular shape (Greek Psi straight.svg). There were early graphical variants that omitted the stem ("chickenfoot-shaped psi" as: Greek Psi V-shaped.svg or Greek Chi 05.svg).
The Western letter (expressing /kʰ/, later /x/) was adopted into the Old Italic alphabets, and its shape is also continued into the Algiz rune of the Elder Futhark. The classical Greek letter was adopted into the early Cyrillic alphabet as "Ѱ".


Seriously, after reading this it not so JAEJOONG @.@
This symbol is use in physics, mathematics even planet Neptune??

Or is it me who missing something out here?

I assume that Jaejoong just want to tell us who he belong too, eh? xD
and I found another information :

--> PSI 'Y'

Intro :
 ' According to Plato and Aristotle each symbol have meanings of «sounds, visuals, human behavior, and weather conditions», and every symbol character has an abbreviated meaning.'

'Visually symbol Ψ resembles symbol Φ the only difference symbol Ψ as lantern has no top cover, as a result the flame to go out on a breeze or wind sounding (fss), like the soul (=ψυχή) goes out of the mouth of a dying. Words with escaping meaning. '


So, until now I think it just a symbol which use in physics, math and also planet Neptune.
If you guys found anything about this, inform me ya :)

The symbol 'psi' is the 23rd letter in Greek alphabet but 'Y' is the 25th letter in american alphabet? 
23rd? is there something special that day in TVXQ life or Jae life even Yunho life?

I'll try harder finding this symbol meaning. 

So let's assume first that, this 'psi' symbol is Kim Jaejoong still own by Jung Yunho xD.

Until then, YJEvidence is still to be reveal. Stay Tuned :D

Bye guys. Hope you all enjoy this post.^^ 

we know JAE... we know xD